Example sentences of "[noun sg] improve the quality " in BNC.

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1 Last year , the University made a significant investment to improve the quality and appearance of the Prospectus , which is the most important aid in the recruitment of the brightest and best-motivated undergraduate students .
2 Stable contracts will permit cost reductions and capital investment to improve the quality and reliability of supply .
3 Should not the priority be investment to improve the quality of services ?
4 Schools are not static institutions , and good schools have always questioned their practice in an attempt to improve the quality of their provision .
5 Since the article was published , a number of schemes have been set up in an attempt to improve the quality of child minding .
6 No one can deny that the Council has done a great deal to improve the quality of education .
7 The citizens charter sets out a comprehensive programme to improve the quality of public services and make them answer better to the wishes of their users , where that can be done , by providing choice for the citizen .
8 The hon. Gentleman should take more time to encourage schools in Bradford to learn the lessons from the city technology college to improve the quality of technology education in Bradford .
9 Specific measures therefore are essentially directed at management to improve the quality of cleaning staff .
10 The external auditor should review the work of the internal audit staff to determine their effectiveness in assisting management to improve the quality of information that is necessary if they are to monitor satisfactorily the efficiency and effectiveness of the programmes under their charge .
11 From 1839 he was engaged in a campaign to improve the quality of seed available by preventing the adulteration then prevalent and trying to test the germination of selected samples .
12 At the heart of the Dearing Report 's proposals for a new system for setting accounting standards is an attempt to create a new alliance between accountancy and the law to improve the quality of financial reporting .
13 Considered against the proud advances made in the arts and sciences whereby humanity improves the quality of life on earth , the conclusion must be that this is a shameful situation .
14 The survey of students and graduates at Hull showed that over two-thirds of them agreed with the statement that " Exercise improves the quality of sleep " .
15 The aim to improve the quality of space in front of John Knox House and St Giles is also fraught with difficulties .
16 However fascinating the ‘ social gospel ’ has proved to historians , it was not the most important aspect of the ministry to Nonconformity : this was the need to improve the quality of ministers ' education in order to equip them for the position they had achieved in English life .
17 The legislator has little incentive to improve the quality of information used to check on the claims made by bureaucrats about social needs , administrative costs , procurement levels and activity rates , especially when to do so is costly to the politicians .
18 ‘ Just as I believe that the taking stock initiative improves the quality of government at national level so I believe that moving to single-tier all-purpose authorities will improve it at local level .
19 Adam Smith made the most explicit statements in support of the idea that education improves the quality of labour and hence raises economic growth .
20 Beyond that , to show that LMS improves the quality of education it needs to be shown whether the savings are used in ways which enhance quality .
21 Whether this rationalization improves the quality of the courses , still less solves the problems of the art and design world , is another matter altogether .
22 While the new Chief Constable says he does n't plan to make any major changes in the force , he 's made a commitment to improve the quality of life for people in Gloucestershire .
23 It is not enough to have a wish to improve the quality of your reports , price lists etc .
24 The teachers in the two departments are possessed of a missionary zeal to improve the quality of their pupils ' lives ; they do not want an English education to be useful or vocational , but to enable the pupils to think critically about themselves , about life , and about society .
25 The Plan sets out a vision to improve the quality of life .
26 It would have taken a considerable amount of time for any Government taking over their shambolic performance to improve the quality of just about everything in the environment , as we have been doing .
27 The Law Society has already stepped up its drive to improve the quality of other areas of criminal defence work by publishing ‘ The Magistrates ’ Court — A Guide To Good Practice In The Preparation of Cases ’ .
28 After the war he founded the Disabled Society , lobbying the government to improve the quality of artificial limbs .
29 To be for animal welfare , as distinct from merely being against animal cruelty , is to believe that we have a duty to improve the quality of animal life , by ensuring — so far as this is possible — that other animals are the beneficiaries of what is good for them , not merely that we should avoid being cruel to them .
30 It was , partly , against this background that the government decided to launch a state-sponsored newspaper to act as a unifying factor in the nation , and help in the effort to improve the quality of print journalism in the country , besides helping to bring government policy and other activities to the awareness of all citizens .
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