Example sentences of "[noun sg] [noun sg] cost [art] " in BNC.

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1 A survey of leading US businesses sponsored by Stratus Computer Inc of Marlborough , Massachusetts , which has an interest in spreading alarm and despondency about these things , suggests that computer downtime cost the country at least $4,000m in lost productivity and revenue last year ; and with 75% of respondents indicating that their businesses are becoming increasingly reliant on computing systems this figure looks set to grow .
2 The owner is company director Paul Scott , who says the giant painting in his entrance hall cost no more than a personalised number plate .
3 DRIVING at more than double the speed limit cost a young Newton Valence woman her driving licence .
4 It 's claimed that clearing Dickens and Jones in Milton Keynes on a busy pre-Christmas shopping day cost the firm one hundred thousand pounds in lost business .
5 A survey of 1,500 ILF clients by health economist Victoria Phillips found community care cost an average of £228 a week , compared with more than £44 for residential care .
6 A report by the House of Commons Select Committee on the Environment has estimated that indoor air pollution and sick building syndrome cost the British economy at least £650 million a year in terms of the effects on thousands of people suffering chronic ailments caused by increased allergies , asthma and other conditions .
7 Mr Milburn claimed the Government 's refusal to make Darlington a full-fledged development area cost the town a multi-million pound American factory .
8 The magnetic confinement fusion programme cost the US taxpayers 350 million dollars in 1984 and funding from Congress has remained at this annual figure ever since , even though inflation has continued to eat into it .
9 Two hundred years ago an eight-seater box for a theatre season cost a staggering 2,000 guineas , she learned .
10 DID you know well , yes , because everyone 's banging on about it that the FA Cup Final programme cost a fiver ?
11 The IRA 's bombing campaign cost the taxpayer a staggering £102.5m in compensation claims over the last 12 months .
12 The IRA 's bombing campaign cost the taxpayer a staggering £102.5m in compensation claims over the last 12 months .
13 Could have done without the lip I got from the scouse stallholders though ( sample : ‘ The League Title cost a fortune in them days … ’ ) .
14 The redundancy programme cost the group a total of £1,034m this year , including £550m charges for incremental pension benefits to ‘ early leavers ’ .
15 And we go way back — way , way back , back to the time when you could still buy mono records , when kiwi fruit were yet to be devised , when the khaki-clad representative of the Automobile Association would salute the passing motorist , when a packet of Gold Flake cost a groat and a half and you still had change for a flagon of mead .
16 The heyday of Meccano 's Dinky vehicles was the Fifties and early Sixties , when a standard boxed Dinky car cost a few shillings new .
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