Example sentences of "[unc] that [be] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 That 's wa that 's the overall thing you 're talking about is it ?
2 At the fir that was the first though .
3 . A y That was the last one of the mechanized o Well , it was the only mo er mechanized stocking stockinger 's shop in the village .
4 Er that 's the managing director 's initials .
5 er er that 's the only time .
6 Paul came to came to judge erm er that 's the only time we 've had a judge .
7 Well I was impressed by the erm the Maxwell erm peoples comments that the funds should be clearly marked pension fund accounts and and that er there would be regulations that this money could n't be transferred without some the regulator again or somebody making er agreeing to the transaction , but I erm fully understand that would be erm very time-consuming , but er that 's the only way I can see that , that the fund should be clearly marked that they 're pension fund and should n't be transferred without some some authority agreeing to it .
8 So they 've kept that tradition so we go there for the colours , and they provide a palette each year , er that 's the ninety one ninety two .
9 Well er that 's the same , that would be worth thinking this you know
10 and er that 's the main source of our business .
11 Er that was the splitting shop .
12 Erm mind you it was really a step onto something else that as far as I was concerned in those days I meant o go to sea of course and er that was the best place you could have er to serve an apprenticeship because everything er I mean it was one of the As everything was starting to get specialized in in other works nowadays it 's gone completely now .
13 . However that was all changed and er that was the first thing we changed and erm then we erm , during the period we , the staff were changed , Mr and Mrs who are in charge of now , they came as a young couple to View and er I think with their coming , they had different ideas and the place did seem to change .
14 And er that was the first time I 'd ever seen a continental headboard .
15 And they started that and they were sent out to this big villa and er that was the first time I had seen a continental headboard and er we could n't understand what it was you know .
16 Er champion of champions we 've , I bought some prizes for the champion of champions , and food er just to go with the trophies er Keith again was our judge and erm knowing that he does n't willingly accept money , he wants to come and do it for nothing erm how many proposed that we buy him something a bottle to take with him , so we bought him a bottle of wine to take with him and er that was the three pound .
17 And er that was the old college in Street .
18 Oh yes erm er that was the Welsh church that closed .
19 Well when the sirens went at the beginning , what few rifles we 'd got , he 'd er take us out and string we out along this brook , a rifle every so often and and facing one way and looking round to see when anything goes up and in case anybody come over or anything come over and er that was the initial start .
20 Yes well , erm I think I mean I I did check with the various trustees last week and the current position is erm there was basically a four hundred and sixty million that er that was the original missing figure , to which now goes back over two years er recoveries have come to into over a hundred thousand now with the
21 I think my granny used to speak about the Clachan at Dalvaine , when there was er about five or six houses there and the that was the That was Upper Islay .
22 It 's o that 's the only trouble with shops , all sweets are always low so kids can get them .
23 That 's the only I mean that 's th that 's the real problem with this thing It 's one the the difficulties you end up with You see you must remember to multiply everything that 's there by the number you want to multiply , not just half of it .
24 . Erm yes well th that 's the only erm casting you know , that we did .
25 Erm th that 's the main er so overall you had a net gain in fact to erm U S profits er Camco erm I think less than that erm Camco 's profits to were spread fairly broadly geographically er as you do know it does operate as you do rightly point out erm pretty much everywhere else and it 's erm featured both in South America and Asia 's decline and Africa , but not in Europe .
26 Shh shh shh shh it 's th that is the correct word for what word ?
27 Ch Chairman , I , I , I certainly would er report to John th that is the correct interpretation .
28 wo n't be worth going on the bus unless like I said you 've got a great load to carry but then that could be worked out on a Saturday morning , it would mean going down there , after Tesco 's that 's the only thing
29 And then afterwards Isobel and I could go to Sainsbury 's that 's the whole idea .
30 So the ac that 's the actual script .
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