Example sentences of "[unc] [noun pl] at [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The conference was marked by a split between the USA , Soviet Union and Saudi Arabia on the one hand , who resisted the imposition of specific emissions cuts , and the remaining Western countries , including Europe , Japan and Australia , on the other , who argued for the adoption of a freeze on C02 emissions at present levels by the year 2000 .
2 The south of France is pretty high on people 's agendas at this time of year .
3 Politicians of the powerful Irish republican and solidly Roman Catholic SDLP political party were fiercely critical and their co-operation was basic to the government 's policies at that time .
4 However , the long tail seemed to be encased in bundles of bony rods which could , like a conjuror 's segmented wand held erect by the pressure of the conjuror 's fingers at one end , lock it almost rigid .
5 Obviously , he and Eglaf may have sided with those attacking Denmark , and one or both could later have been forgiven , but other candidates are available as Cnut 's opponents at Holy River .
6 It might be doubted whether Ragnvald 's sons , who were first put forward as Cnut 's opponents at Holy River long ago , would have been sufficiently well known in England for the Chronicle entry to be readily intelligible , but this is not certain , and an annalist naming leaders of large Swedish forces may have thought it obvious that they were Swedes themselves .
7 Now she had to consider another person 's wishes at all times .
8 GCHQ began in 1919 as the Government Code and Cipher School ( GCCS ) , picking up the few remaining members of the army and naval teams of codebreakers who had operated in Britain during World War I. A very small team was formed , working on a tiny annual budget in MI6 's offices at 56 Broadway , in London .
9 Accompanying teacher 's books at each level provide answers to the exercises , ideas on how to extend them , and photocopiable tests .
10 The motivation for too many people 's lives at this time seems to be the achievement of navigating through the spikes of complex material gadgetry which had been invented as a supposed aid to living .
11 Eadmer gives a curiously confused account of Anselm 's motives at this time , but one thing stands out clearly : Anselm would not bring about the chaos in personal relationships and conflict of obligations which he might find himself obliged to precipitate if he read the letter .
12 Women 's raincoats at half price .
13 ‘ It will take some neck for him to now sit there and sing Pele 's praises at this function . ’
14 ( Peter Jenkins ( 1976 ) , who visited both Washoe and Lucy in 1973 , reports that Fouts was cautious about Lucy 's abilities at this time and Jenkins himself seems to have been more impressed with Washoe . )
15 Specify capitalism 's needs at any time and the structure of state organization is explained — except of course in periods of acute crisis .
16 It builds up the foundations of the grammar system and essential vocabulary , as appropriate to the learner 's needs at this level .
17 Raphael also suggests that bereaved parents who felt particularly unsupported themselves , lacking contact with the grandparents , for instance , were especially likely to be oblivious to , or deny , their children 's needs at this time .
18 This fusing of party orthodoxy and personal alienation in Nizan 's writings at this time needs to be stressed .
19 In our opinion the financial statements give a true and fair view of the state of the company 's affairs at 31st March 1991 and of its profit and source and application of funds for the year then ended and have been properly prepared in accordance with the Companies Act 1985 .
20 In our opinion the financial statements give a true and fair view of the state of the company 's affairs at 31 December 19 .. and of its profit ( loss ) , total recognised gains ( losses ) and cash flows for the year then ended , and have been properly prepared in accordance with the Companies Act 1985 .
21 In our opinion the financial statements give a true and fair view of the company 's affairs at 31 March 1991 and of its deficit and source and applications of funds for the year then ended and have been properly prepared in accordance with the Companies ACT 1985 .
22 Remember the cuts in the people 's rights at industrial tribunals that have had a profound effect on employment rights , the attack on local democracy , rate capping , the cuts of tax on local government have had a devastating effect on housing and the social fabric of local community .
23 Soon they were selling goods to Faccenda 's customers at lower prices , operating along the same routes as Faccenda and generally making calls earlier in the week than Faccenda .
24 An effort of this kind would have been quite beyond the office 's powers at any time until well into the nineteenth century .
25 The first was held at the conference hotel in Northampton on Saturday , May 30th , when members considered the voting rights of the Institute 's Officers at National Council meetings .
26 There was evidence in the form of a letter from a friend or neighbour and of another witness , a Miss Lobo , who spoke of the mother 's difficulties at this stage .
27 The fullest retrospective account of the union 's difficulties at this time is contained in the " statement by the Edinburgh branch on the Female Question " , printed in the STC almost thirty years later in 1904 .
28 The latest painting is a colourful mural in Ballybeen Estate , where artist Ken Parker has incorporated ideas and images from children 's paintings at Ballybeen Activity Centre .
29 A similar picture emerges in the case of women except that women 's earnings at all levels are only two-thirds of men 's .
30 While in more recent years central government 's efforts at budgetary reform have centred around the Public Expenditure Survey Committee ( PESC ) , there were efforts in the 1960s to adopt the PPB system of budgetary control .
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