Example sentences of "[unc] [noun sg] [be] hold [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It was the mother of one of the leaders who told her of a woman of Madeleine 's description being held by the Gestapo .
2 The wily captain 's luck was holding in more ways than one for the customs search team found that one of the French shells had ricochetted down an alleyway , through the door of the Captain 's cabin and had embedded itself in the leg of a table where the occupant would have been sitting .
3 God 's plan is held to be comprehensive , and has been set for all time .
4 A women 's meeting was held during the church congress at Portsmouth in 1885 and the bishop of Newcastle , who was to be the speaker , persuaded Mary Sumner to tell the audience about her dream of a union of mothers .
5 Granpa Charlie 's funeral was held on a cloudless morning in early February at the church of St Mary 's and St Michael 's on Jubilee Street .
6 Within one hour there was activity at this base as the gun carriage that was to carry the King 's body was held at this unit .
7 The baby 's christening was held at Carrie 's house so that Grandma Houlihan was able to hold the baby .
8 The upward sweep of the rolls at Bella 's forehead were held in place by large combs pushed into the hair above the ears .
9 The majority of seats in the People 's Assembly are held by members of the Socialist Party of Albania .
10 See Prime v. Hart/it. 1978 S.L.T. ( Sh.Ct. ) 71 , where intimation of an objection to the applicant 's agent/employer was held to be sufficient intimation in terms of the section .
11 At the Council in the Marches the office of Queen 's Attorney was held from 1559 to about 1592 by John Price .
12 The annual general meeting of the Mother 's Union was held on Tuesday .
13 One entire flank of the Witch King 's army was held by Chaos Knights and their bestial retinues .
14 A minute 's silence was held in memory of the Lockerbie victims when the charity was launched yesterday at Transport House in London , headquarters of the Transport and General Workers ' Union .
15 A minute 's silence was held in memory of Clément Oumarou Ouedraogo , the secretary-general of the Burkinabe Labour Party , killed in a grenade attack on Dec. 9 [ see p. 38665 ] .
16 Thus woman 's sexuality is held to be her most important asset .
17 A PATIENT 'S hand was held on an electric hotplate .
18 The President 's Dinner was held in September at the Cafe Royal to honour in-coming President , Chris Robinson FHCIMA .
19 In one unreported case , a threat to the woman 's boyfriend was held to be insufficient .
20 A buffet lunch to celebrate the 25th anniversary of Sutton-on- Sea and Trusthorpe ladies ' guild was held at the Enterprise Club in March , attended by 72 supporters .
21 But the Soviet leader had rather more success in prising discussions out of the West in that a foreign ministers ' conference was held about Germany in mid-1959 in Geneva .
22 Our first Members ' Evening was held at the Community College on Friday 1st March 1991 and its success can be judged by the fact that it went on until the Social Secretary literally had to call a halt at 11.15 p.m. !
23 A formal creditors ' meeting was held in August where it was agreed that Hook Harris would be given three years to pay back its debts under the supervision of Andersen partners John Talbot and Martin Fishman .
24 Brunei assumed the chair of the Association of South-East Asian Nations ( ASEAN ) in mid-1988 , as a result of which the annual Foreign Ministers ' meeting was held in Bandar Seri Begawan in July 1989 [ see p. 36817 ] .
25 The test of the system coincides with the announcement that the second conference for woodturning instructors ' will be held in Sweden from 28–31 May 1992 .
26 Attended by observer from liberal parties from Europe and North America , a second Liberals ' Congress was held in Gdansk in November .
27 Meanwhile , in Eritrea , to the north , a de facto ceasefire is holding between the government and the Eritrean People 's Liberation Front ( EPLF ) , which is seeking independence for Eritrea .
28 The usual high-spirited Artisans ' Dinner was held with Bill as usual leading the singing with ‘ Burlington Bertie ’ .
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