Example sentences of "[unc] [noun sg] [verb] [prep] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 However , the er holder came to me and said that they , he would like to invest a considerable sum in new equipment , refrigerators blah blah blah .
2 And as we 're the one small Independent group which has no huge er group wrapped round us , then we 're clearly the most vulnerable .
3 They 've had er enormous difficulties and er the honourable gentleman will er know that the South Wales police authority committee , its officers and its Chief Constable have er visited parliament er to put their case to members representing the South Wales police authority area and indeed to er Earl Ferrers the minister er responsible for the police and they certainly have n't had any er criticism made of them by his own government and if er he believes that there is a criticism I would suggest that he takes a leaf out of the book of his er , his right honourable friend the Secretary of State and refers the matter so that it can be properly audited and er I think the honourable gentleman knows that when that is done he will see that there is no blame attached whatsoever to the members or the officers of the police authority .
4 It were n't er just all you know , there was a certain amount of er thought attached to it and as I say , the people was er accepted by the gaffers and er respected , you know what I mean .
5 He took out the torn fragment with ‘ BORVEL NEM AKT printed on it and showed it to Vic .
6 As your father had made no will of his own , all the relation 's money came to you and her . ’
7 As the drop-ship yawed away , fleeing , a hem of the cat 's cradle dipped towards it .
8 Harry 's ghost called to her from the stone skull of the castle .
9 Ariel was bitter ; in turns Sycorax 's power stifled her , then the old woman 's weakness dragged at her like a disease afflicting her as well .
10 A few nights later she went with Maureen to Benediction , and as she glanced at her sister , deep in prayer , Anne was conscious of how much Maureen 's faith meant to her , and how her own well-meant interference might have severed that lifeline for her beloved sister .
11 Offa 's Dyke , covering lines some 150 miles long , although at points perhaps relying on rivers rather than ramparts for defence , is a work which reveals a tremendous ability to organise labour : the Danish Danevirke is child 's play compared with it .
12 Often the night 's play begins with us going out and helping Jews .
13 Appeals If an Industrial Tribunal 's decision goes against you , you can only appeal in limited circumstances .
14 The purchaser ( If a licensed business from the trustee of a bankrupt certificate-holder must with reasonable dispatch get the bankrupt 's certificate transferred to him .
15 He refused to send his horses to be shod at our smithy after that ; for once the smith 's verdict got around it would be difficult for him to sell the mare .
16 James 's mum said to me , and she does n't know her from Adam , she said
17 Along the chain of consequence , from atomic decay to my act of observation , things must have got fixed at least by the time that the cat 's experience entered into it .
18 If anything was missing it was the special 's responsibility to ask for it , and ask fast .
19 Gran 's stick lunged at it and dug out an ugly lump .
20 He dreamed of the bloodied face with the girl 's hair swinging over it , and of Annabel 's children , and then he surfaced again and went for a walk through Covent Garden fruit market , where Mr. Jenkins must already be at work .
21 Lisa 's heart stopped inside her .
22 His chin rose quickly in a proud gesture and George 's heart warmed to him .
23 No answer , but the pinched face reflected clearly enough how the boy 's heart sank within him .
24 The Aeschylean Titan , who , to his own cost , gives man fire and thereby civilization , has an artist 's confidence in the sufficiency of his own capacities and an artist 's readiness to suffer for it .
25 May I have the pleasure , monsieur , of introducing my two sons , boomed the senator , smiling into the wizened face of the Annamese mandarin while the governor 's aide translated for him .
26 By the open doors , Lily 's photograph stared at me from its table .
27 Clinical forensic medicine is a specialty and the FME 's practice falls into it .
28 Andrew 's deodorant sprayed in it I 've had Andy being sick on my hair
29 But Leith 's glance went from him to where , at some time in the night , he must have become too hot and in stupor had shed his clothes , which were now in a crumpled heap by the side of the bed .
30 Rourke 's glance shifted over her .
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