Example sentences of "[unc] [noun sg] [verb] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The driving-unconsciously-while-proving-a-theorem case illustrates that situation well enough .
2 Thrombin digestion of GST-DP-1 84-204 was by resuspending the GST-fusion protein/glutathione-sepharose beads in 50mM Tris , pH 8.0 , 150mM NaCl , 2.5mM CaCl 2 , 0.1% β -mercaptoethanol containing human thrombin at 3μgml -1 for 2h .
3 Breakfast is an excellent Dutch buffet and the enthusiastic owners Mr. and Mrs. Van der Vorst take personal care to ensure that every guest enjoys their stay .
4 But a word of warning : a 1–1/4in drill takes some handling and can be dangerous , particularly when the drill jams in the hole .
5 The disulphate was easily soluble in water and this allowed its application in an in vitro test involving PABA-UDCA disulphate incubation with intraperitoneal pus ( PABA-UDCA disulphate incubation test ) from patients with peritonitis .
6 Erm perhaps I can turn the the question on its head and and I think the way the County Council 's looked at it , what would be the implications of not providing for the needs of North Yorkshire , and that 's I think the approach that we have taken in the first instance , is to try and determine what the needs of North Yorkshire are and to borrow a phrase from Professor Lock , in strategic terms to look at er try to achieve full employment in North Yorkshire .
7 The use of tagged architecture is limited to research projects at present , although the Burroughs B6700 computer makes some use of tagging .
8 No I think this this policy is misguided just from on practical grounds , because er experience shows that demand side owner subsidies do not increase the supply housing erm which .
9 So that what we did was , first of all when you filled in your initial choice and then we got a a team choice and now perhaps , what would make a lot of sense is that if we have the first few er team answers one member of this team er , and then we 'll go through the others .
10 His most recent succés du scandale came last spring at the Venice Biennale , the art world 's Cannes , where Koons showed a polychromed sculpture of him and Cicciolina as a soft-core Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden , surrounded by three laser-painted and varnished canvases of the couple making love .
11 and , and middle class er wish to achieve upper class .
12 Whether there 's any truth in this is and the A A E who did the er survey include Atomic Energy Authority who who 's like that as well .
13 ‘ The main problem of the external course is that it can be an ad hoc activity bearing little relation to a current problem or systematic training scheme , and thus the wrong people can be trained at the wrong time by the wrong methods .
14 Submarine fans have not been found in the Plattendolomit but by analogy with the Z2 Carbonate , it is possible that these may be found in areas where the Z3 Carbonate reaches exceptional thickness .
15 The second advocacy exercise is on that first er timetable called unsupervised mitigation .
16 Overbreak to the front of the wall shall be backfilled in C7.5P concrete to allow adequate resistance to sliding .
17 Adil Carcani Chairman ( Prime Minister ) Pali Miska Deputy Chairman ; Minister of Agriculture Hekuran Isai Deputy Chairman ; Minister of Internal Affairs Reis Malile Foreign Affairs Kico Mustaqi People 's Defence Bujar Kolaneci Chairman of the State Planning Commission Simon Stefani Chairman of the State Control Commission Andrea Nako Finance Besnik Bekteshi Industry and Mining ; Energy ( acting ) Bashkim Sykaj Light Industry Ylli Bufi Foodstuff Industry Ismail Ahmeti Construction Hajredin Celiku Transport Pajtim Ajazi Domestic Trade Shane Korbeci Foreign Trade ( vacant ) Public Services Skenda Gjinushi Education Ahmet Kamberi Health Service Enver Halile Justice Farudin Hoxha Minister to the Presidium of the Council of Ministers Niko Gjyzari Minister , General Secretary of the Council of Ministers
18 ‘ It 's a shocking situation , and I am spending every single minute of every single day and every last dollar of my father 's money to correct this evil . ’
19 If Mr. Collins had sought to base an argument on the omission from the rules which I have characterised as unfair , we should have had to consider whether the opportunity given to Winchester on 6 November 1990 to make representations to Lautro 's board rectified this defect .
20 Having spoken , the monk undergoes a physical reaction to the utterance of his salacious thoughts of the wife being exercised , sexually , in bed : This response to his own thought and speech on the monk 's part creates another novelty within this fabliau : a character who assumes a role parallel to that of a real reader outside the text ; a listener to and responder to a text and its implications , and what is more a reader who indulges in an interpretation of the text of his thoughts as pornographic , i.e. capable of exciting vicarious , erotic sensation .
21 Outstanding among those contributions are his Math Vab Mathonwy ( 1928 ) and Rhiannon ( 1953 ) which , in spite of some evident shortcomings , particularly a failure on the author 's part to make sufficient use of the comparative method , testify to Gruffydd 's originality of mind , his general perceptiveness , and his clarity of exposition .
22 Unless a Christian 's faith includes this level of understanding , he is short-changing himself .
23 Anna 's sister has this message for him .
24 The idea that the theist must be certain of God 's existence deserves careful consideration .
25 Rachel 's skin turned dusky gold .
26 Caryl Churchill 's play sets individual achievement against all women 's struggle against oppression .
27 The tough talk seemed at odds , however , with some recent US policies , including President Clinton 's decision to continue favourable trade benefits for China for at least another year , and the United Nations ' own treatment of Tibet 's exiled Dalai Lama .
28 A priest in Friuli , commenting on the Vatican 's decision to allow non-alcoholic wine at Mass to help priests with an alcohol problem
29 As early as December 1939 , angered by Franco 's decision to declare Spanish neutrality in the European war , a group of radical Falangists had plotted to oust him .
30 Two regulars , Messrs Dodman and Harrop , arrived but most were new faces following Peter 's decision to opt this time for newly graduated advisers .
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