Example sentences of "[unc] [noun sg] [noun] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 In addition , ex vivo platelet aggregation to ADP and adrenaline was significantly reduced in diabetic subjects treated for up to a year with therapeutic doses of gliclazide ( Poari et al , 1979 ) .
2 The procedures used in this laboratory for making solid dissecting needles and holding pipettes are given in Table 13 and those for in vivo injection pipettes in Table 14 .
3 Laxatives were still used by 33% of the children wh had not recovered , 39% had <3 bowel movements per week , 48% had faecal soiling , 45% had stool withholding , 27% complained of abdominal pain , 73% passed large stools , and 45% still on occasions clogged the toilet with their large stools .
4 All children were considered to be constipated because they had either <3 bowel movements per week or painful bowel movements , or a rectal impaction , or an abdominal faecal mass on physical examination , or all four .
5 Seventeen ( 19% ) had no soiling , eight were still constipated with <3 bowel movements per week , and 11 were receiving treatment ( laxatives , stimulants , suppositories or occasional enemas ) to prevent constipation .
6 Abdominal pain was still present in 27% , stool withholding in 45% , constipation with <3 bowel movements per week in 39% , bowel mvoements that clogged the toilet in 45% , laxative use in 33% , and soiling in 48% of the children who did not recover .
7 To allow for the confounding effects of age and obesity on β cell function we calculated the standardised residual β cell function with respect to the regression of β cell function with age and obesity in a population of 104 non-diabetic people ( age 21–76 years , percentage of ideal weight 86%-158% ) .
8 To allow for the confounding effects of age and obesity on β cell function we calculated the standardised residual β cell function with respect to the regression of β cell function with age and obesity in a population of 104 non-diabetic people ( age 21–76 years , percentage of ideal weight 86%-158% ) .
9 The cause of the association between low birth weight and reduced β cell function in adult life is uncertain .
10 In the first report Hales and Barker suggest that the factors determining early growth also influence the β cell mass in adulthood .
11 A dose of 0.05 µg/kg body weight of ceruletide ( Farmitalia Carlo Erba Ltd , St Albans , UK ) in 10 ml saline was then given by intravenous injection over a 10 minute period .
12 It was rendered easily soluble in it , however , by the introduction of sulphate groups on the 3a and 7 β hydroxyl groups of PABA-UDCA .
13 Numbers in brackets indicate positions in the Oct-11a cDNA sequence in Figure 1 .
14 The Oct-11a locus maps to mouse chromosome 9. b .
15 To preserve actin filaments ( at the expense of good membrane preservation ) , we used a protocol from K. McDonald : limb buds were fixed in cacodylate-buffered 1% glutaraldehyde , rinsed in buffer , treated with 0.8% K 3 Fe(CN) 6 in buffer for 30min , postfixed with 0.5% osmium tetroxide in buffer for 1min , embedded in Araldite , sectioned and stained with uranyl acetate and lead citrate .
16 Et ipse redimet Israel ex omnibus iniquitatibus eius . "
17 Features of possible appeal to this market include a music centre , comprising AM/FM radio tuner with scan capabilities and 16 programmable pre-set stations , a compact disk player , and an eight channel mixer to adjust the tuning and balance of the radio or CD-ROM — the latter has potential applications for home-based education , providing on-line tutorials and reference guides .
18 LANEY PL100 reverb head including footswitch and 4x12 Marshall cab with flight case thrown in , £260 .
19 R/3 Live , which was first implemented in Germany last year , combines Siemens own hardware and services with the modular SAP R/3 system software from SAP AG of Walldorf , with which Siemens has a European agreement .
20 R/3 Live , which was first implemented in Germany last year , combines Siemens own hardware and services with the modular SAP R/3 system software from SAP AG of Walldorf , with which Siemens has a European agreement .
21 Session SG2100 stereo head plus footswitch , £125 .
22 The high-speed monochrome GlobalXM is built around a 25MHz R3000A chip and has a performance of 130,000 Xstones and price of $4,016 for a 17″ monitor with 4Mb memory ; GlobalXG is a similar model with 256 shade grey-scale functionality and 80,000 Xstone performance at from $5,475 ) ; GlobalXP is built around the 40MHz R3000A and offers 256 colours and 130,000 Xstone performance at $8,048 , while Global PEX is a similar colour model with floating point accelerator to support PEX , and GlobalXC is the lower 25MHz clock speed with colour and 80,000 Xstones performance , priced from $6,040 .
23 Table E12.3 Home production of whisky , 1983–87
24 Available evidence confirms sorry first of all the increase in the provision of affordable dwellings identified by this monitoring survey er is not being maintained , so there is a national problem South East regional problem field and in our own er monitoring report on housing development and population change we say four point seven two available evidence confirms the existence of a social housing problem in West Sussex and surveys studies suggest it is significant and that table on page forty items , gives you the precise er application position erm it is I think erm just .
25 Erm he was buggered silly to put it er very crudely erm and not only that but they used to wire each-other up to the mains and and stick er snooker cues up each-other 's backsides and a whole range of activities used to go on .
26 Like first of all there 's erm talk person to person asking questions listening to the answers watch er talk person to person watch for signals and er talk the same language .
27 Turning now to policy , it seems clear that a prohibitions-based or per se illegality form of legislation can not effectively deal with tacit collusion .
28 Can we then turn to the er reflection item with feedback on day .
29 Having opened up the process of selecting technologies that surround the core SVR4 operating system beyond Unix System Labs ( UX No 42 ) , Unix International plans to go to the industry at large for three technologies this year , according to UI president Peter Cunningham .
30 And , this is particularly so , this er keeping things in perspective , for you Sagittarians tomorrow .
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