Example sentences of "[unc] [noun sg] [coord] the [num ord] " in BNC.

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1 Er the reason want referring because has n't commenced it 's considered er view and the last thing we want is to be in business actually doing is enclosing on St Albans and anything that St Albans does n't actually want .
2 He found that not only did the States that failed to ratify the amendment have larger populations of both religious fundamentalists and political conservatives , but also that States which had opposed earlier civil rights amendments ( the 19th on women 's suffrage and the 26th on youth suffrage ) also tended to oppose the ERA .
3 Yeah , and one got stuck in the , there was an entry between my father-in-law 's shop and the next one and one of these cattle ran down the entry and got stuck in the entry , you know it was only narrow and the they had to shoot it , but er oh yes it was a , that was a thing you never hear of today and you never hear of people putting tannin down when people are ill do you ?
4 If the technical regulations are applied vigorously , massive upheaval could follow in the three weeks between yesterday 's race and the eighth round of the world championship in France .
5 One has a dog 's head , another a boar 's head , a third a bull 's head and the fourth a bird 's head .
6 A first thing 's being required for a second is consistent with the possibility of the first thing 's happening and the second not happening .
7 The first Homebase opening of 1993 took place on St George 's day and the first customers received an appropriate welcome with gifts of English red roses and St George 's flags .
8 It was just by chance that I turned up at one of the early meetings of the first lesbian liberation groups in London and found myself involved in the early debates around socialist feminism , radical lesbianism , the Women 's Movement and the sixth demand which named women 's right to a self-defined sexuality .
9 The second copy is handed to the cashier who uses it to prepare the customer 's bill and the third copy is retained in the waiter 's book .
10 Nguyen Ha Phan , 58 , was the mayor of Hau Giang ; Hong Ha , 63 , was the director of the office of the party central committee ; Nguyen Dinh Tu , 59 , was a member of the State Council and director of the National Institute of Atomic Energy ; Trong My Hoa , 46 , was vice-president of the Vietnam Women 's Union and the first woman to reach the party 's upper echelons ; Do Quang Thang , 64 , was secretary of Quang Ngai province party committee .
11 They rejected the Georgians ' argument that the 5,000 dollars given to match officials prior to the first leg game was legitimate expenses and reinforced the judgement that Tbilisi be expelled from this season 's competition and the next one they qualify for .
12 He thrust the flat package into Luce 's hand and the next second the door banged behind him .
13 I took the train to Fontainbleau , and to Versailles , and saw there the famous Hall of Mirrors where the notorious Treaty was signed which set Germany on the path to Hitler 's domination and the Second World War .
14 Hari looked over the woman 's shoulder and the first thing she saw was the leather boots standing on the table .
15 In 1990 the Association 's Annual Conference achieved nationwide television coverage because of its involvement with ITV 's Telethon and the First Leisure Corporation .
16 It was the 30th veto of Bush 's presidency and the sixth to have been activated by the issue of abortion .
17 Stalin 's death and the first limited signs of de/tente and disengagement in Europe ( notably the Austrian State Treaty of 1955 ) heightened the importance of national sensibilities in Eastern Europe and made it advantageous to erect a multilateral fig leaf of collective security over the USSR 's continued domination of her neighbours .
18 By a summons dated 8 July 1992 the father sought a declaration in the same terms against the first defendant , the second defendant , T. 's mother and the third defendant , the North Staffordshire Health Authority .
19 The Gulamalis never received the agreement form , the tenants ' deposit or the first month 's rent .
20 Here was the source of the Committee members ' indecision and the second of the factors which decided the matter in Franco 's favour .
21 Barr Top Lock Wharf lies beyond the A34 bridge and the first 7 locks come as a 700m flight to be portaged together , on the way passing the Birmingham Alexander Stadium set in Perry Park with artificial football pitch , running track and full athletics facilities in a large , modern site .
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