Example sentences of "[unc] [noun] [verb] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Previous in vitro attempts to investigate the role of thymic stromal cells in T-cell development have been hampered by the limited ability of monolayer cultures to support a full programme of T-cell maturation and by the difficulty of obtaining cultures of thymic epithelial cells that maintain their in vivo phenotype .
2 Chuck hesitated as his father moved off unsteadily towards the thicket , and at that moment Devraux and the Moi trackers entered the glade .
3 The question being asked was ‘ Could the old long-stay patients be moved to smaller community hospitals/nursing homes to enable the closure of the asylums ’ The answer was still being sought in 1983 , when the Department of Health and Social Security ( DHSS ) launched a programme of pilot Care in the Community projects to follow its earlier guidance .
4 John picks a Crate B80XL combo to try the bass through .
5 Jan Testa Piccolomini had the garden façade rebuilt by Santini de Bossi , probably in the 1660s , but the main front is late Baroque , c.1730 .
6 Solid carbon dioxide has a similar structure with the C02 molecules occupying the lattice sites .
7 The Shift+Del command bypasses the Scrap .
8 Would adding a 25MHz motherboard solve the problem or should I redesign my AUTOEXEC.BAT or CONFIG.SYS files ?
9 When the total LI% was compared with that of age and sex matched controls ( Table III ) , it was found that although Β -carotene reduced the total LI% it did not reduce it to control values ( Fig 4 ) .
10 To develop this theme , two distinct phases of a study into the information support needs of an organisation are examined here , the first making extensive use of the SSM to obtain an overview of these needs and produce a high-level user requirement for computer support , and the second applying standard O&M techniques to progress the study to an acceptable conclusion .
11 The Iran/Contra scandal gave the French much cause for amusement .
12 She characteristically underplays her education , intellect , and talent as a ‘ weaker Woman ’ , but her religious rationalization of women 's intellectual and social position in relation to men has a rather bitter tone : ‘ Eve 's Theft serv 'd but to dignify Man 's Soul , /Her Sex denied the Knowledge which she stole . ’
13 Bank documents showed that Vieira controlled a US$2,370,000 fund to cover the president 's " household expenses " .
14 And I think erm the article itself erm s says in , in the , the first part it , it seems to be written in a very sort of erm very pro-peasant style , it 's like a justification of things that are happening , he s says that the reasons for the , the peasant movement were the exact opposite of what the gentry in Hankow and Changchun were saying erm that the , that the Party , that the revolutionary authorities had , had taken wrong measures because they thought that the reasons for these movements were , were otherwise and these we they were considered detrimental so they had to change these , these er original wrong meas measures to benefit the future of the revolution .
15 The task was to report verbally whether the dividing contour in the 9.5°x3.2° rectangle matched the probe line , which was presented immediately below the rectangle following its offset as shown .
16 The newspaper El Mundo said the conflict emphasised the fragile nature of the government 's security plans , but Mr de la Puerta dismissed the threat as ‘ irrelevant ’ .
17 Why Charlotte Du Cann hates the use of kids as accessories Hip families Fear and loathing ..
18 So it 's imperative that we can achieve to get trustees onto pension fund bo pension fund bodies to stop er employers misusing the pension fund and finally we commend the G M B's submission to the good re good committee and hope that the G M B's submission becomes law in the not distant future .
19 Er as you can imagine in the circumstances of the civil war the government , the federal government , was much vexed about the question of spies and fifth columnists and people er in the , in the northern states er engaged in sabotage and collecting espionage of , of various kinds so er Lincoln suspended the writ of habeas corpus .
20 Right now to read er we first call upon Labour er Bob to move the motion standing at the erm .
21 Er on the following day , the er programme featuring the memorial er dedication and er flypast were shown on Anglia Television .
22 I , I completely disagree with your thoughts on the fact that there wo n't be a smell , so much so that the slightest smell if the , if the er proposal gets the go ahead and I shall be on to your office and asking to speak to you personally , to come and smell this erm
23 Under Resolution 45/178 parts A , B and C of Dec. 19 , adopted without a vote , the Assembly took note of the critical economic situation in Africa and decided to establish an ad hoc committee to reappraise the implementation of the UN Programme of Action for African Economic Recovery and Development 1986-90 [ see p. 34466 ] .
24 Well I do n't know because years ago they trained er chaps to do the spooling and they were goo they were managing fine
25 The structurally equivalent residues in rat CD2 may be identified by sequence alignment and Fig.5 b indicates the sidechain positions for those that are exposed to solvent in the sCD2 structure .
26 Like , all their films came , like Alex 's film of er Spain empties the camera basically puts it in this pile they keep in a drawer somewhere of films , okay ?
27 To justify this and Stalin presents it as a revolutionary me measure , as a shift to the left , as the creation of socialism , to justify it er Stalin presents the argument that the whole world is moving forward to a new stage on the road to socialism , it 's all a lot of nonsense but the ideological needs of the regime in Russia are determining the advice which is being given to er various communist parties .
28 Just 102 years after Cesare Beccaria 's Dei Delitti e delle Pene saw the light of day there came the publication of another work by an Italian called Cesare , equally seminal and revolutionary but in most respects diametrically opposed to Beccaria 's way of thinking .
29 Now at about the time that that letter was written on the twenty second of October er Mr had the meeting at the National Westminster Bank that had been arranged between himself and a Mrs and it is clear from er this meeting that the bank would no longer er , given that the Frinton property was not to be offered as security , prepared to offer the sum , the substantial sums that they had originally agreed to do and they were now only prepared to offer very much smaller sums and the plaintiff 's case is that the only way that they were going to be able to proceed to complete on this matter was er by selling their homes , their family home at and it is the plaintiff 's case , certainly in relation to er the losses that they have sustained as a result of the breach of contract , alleged in this case , that er if they had not been forced to go ahead to complete on this deal they would not have been required to sell their family home .
30 When he retired and this er Mr did the undertaking .
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