Example sentences of "[unc] [conj] i [verb] up " in BNC.

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1 Well that 's it cos I 'd , I mean I had the accident , well I mean I , I did n't hurt myself and I was very lucky I did n't hit the cars but erm it was bad enough with er and I ended up on this big grass embankment at the end of the bypass .
2 I will , I felt maybe er when I came up to see , oh I was having all these heavy sweatings .
3 A sergeant appears from what a plate beside the door indicates is the dentist 's and I go up to him and tell him my name and that I 've been told to report my movements by Detective Inspector McDunn .
4 Er well we did , we were gon na raise a point on that , the clash of the regulatory rules and the duty of under Trust Law , you know , and I , I think there , there was a comment tha that I picked up with Professor Gower you know in his report which I think , where he said the Government obviously have greater confidence than I in reliance on pristine Trust Law in relation to modern commercial developments such as unit trusts and occupational pension schemes , which its founding fathers never contemplated .
5 Erm and I came up with this bit , sort of the middle bit , national curriculum levels would be er your own thing right ?
6 and erm like I said up to about , up to about two years ago you could claim housing benefit with which you could pay your rent , and that was a great help to students you know , but now that 's been stopped , but you do n't get anything like that , so you 've got thirty five pound a week to pay for food , rent , community charge , everything
7 Although the story of my doing Balthazar B and the Beastly Beatitudes is a bit strange inasmuch as I ended up playing the part that was completely opposite from the one I was originally intended to do .
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