Example sentences of "[unc] [adj] [noun sg] [verb] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Oh eh , just to staple have a another operation lost twelve stone , god it 's like having , losing another person is n't it ?
2 Takamine EN 40C Down-home acoustic meets onstage electric .
3 The service power to view panelled view was that the three point nine million pounds was effectively a minimum exceptionable level and it was within this figure they required the one point six million on minor works and footways to be increased to two million pounds for nineteen ninety three ninety four , section three concludes that it will not be appropriate to attempt to finance these extra loan charges on a continuing basis on the fixed revenue budget , as they would each year and on an accum accumulative basis consume some three hundred and fifty thousand pounds .
4 Nitrocellulose strips were blocked with blocking buffer ( PBS containing 0.1% sodium azide , 0.3% tween , and 2% powdered non-fat milk ) at 4°C overnight and incubated with monoclonal antibodies against the integrin Β 1 chain diluted 1:100 in blocking buffer for 60 minutes at room temperature .
5 In 1987the Soviet Union exchanged 3,583.7 million rubles ' worth of goods with Asia ( excluding Vietnam , China , North Korea , Mongolia , Afghanistan and Japan ) , 1,399.8 million rubles ' worth with Africa and only 969.4 million rubles ' worth with Latin America ( Foreign Trade ( Moscow ) , no. 1 , 1988 ) .
6 A three-step immunoalkaline-phosphatase method was used with a rabbit anti-MIP-1 β polyclonal antibody diluted 1/5,000 in Tris-buffered saline .
7 On the eve of the IAEA visit Argentina announced that it was cancelling an US$18 million deal to supply nuclear equipment to Iran , because of a lack of safeguards to ensure it would not be used to make nuclear weapons .
8 Which sys which er political party supports proportional representation ?
9 As a result of that inability to guarantee a planning erm approval er this county has this county has lost one major inward investor within the last eighteen months already , referred to by name in the documentation that is Kimberley Clarke .
10 Once again , thank you for being invited and thank the people who have the foresight and er tremendous energy to undertake this project .
11 So it 's a kind of a strange argument to suggest on the one hand the Vienna settlement was a factor in in preventing wars between all the great , er major war involving all the great powers .
12 If you 're in a bigger practice that means you 've got probably er more opportunity to get more business then that 's the sort of money .
13 The bias erm of British producers towards producing for a British market is likely to persist erm historically it 's been very difficult for all but er select minority to achieve significant sells sales overseas .
14 Erm , it would be unsafe , I think , to work on an assumption that what we 're going to er one post becoming available through natural wastage per year , and even that erm , highish I think .
15 Er , I also wanted to raise the issue of er the public service section in respect to er this because there 's something prob perhaps not actually tackled in the resolution but equally er important I think is that it 's actually getting the resources into er er down to the br branch level and er if we took this resolution literally , er what it would actually mean would be that er in har with harmonization of agreements we would be handing over er our majority on the manual workers , public service workers to , so obviously we got ta take this resolution very seriously , but consider its implications and the relevance of the word appropriate because I do n't think that we want to be er handed over to come July the first er single table bargaining where we are an absolute minority and where th th that union merge that 's taking place is obviously hostile to our union .
16 Boyd 's 12-man team visited each of the ten pits after being told by Trade President Michael Heseltine to establish if British Coal had met the prescribed criteria for closure .
17 The dying man 's right hand spasmed open .
18 ‘ Fast Piss Blues ’ guitars spiral around the brain as Thalia 's caustic howl strips bare feelings of alienation , but also injects an element of defiance , a lusty show of resilience .
19 Ackroyd 's strange experience began one day as he looked out from his lonely signal box .
20 He was not about to see the Shah 's prolonged stay upset that .
21 Bernarda Fink 's rich contralto brings tragic intensity to the role of the widowed Cornelia , whilst Derek Lee Ragin is a suitably blustering Ptolemy , singing the despot 's often angular lines with commendable accuracy .
22 But much of Poland 's private industry goes unrecorded .
23 Hampers were laid on for picnics , parcels of treats supplied for midnight romps in Swiss Alpine dorms , and no child 's insatiable hunger went unsatisfied .
24 After Joseph Arch 's short-lived attempt to organize agricultural labourers in the 1870s , they were also slow to unionize , and the countryside was politically more .
25 Though America 's economic hegemony ended 20 years ago , the consequences of this were little appreciated within America , for the country 's military and geopolitical power went unchallenged until 1989–91 , when its old enemy threw in the towel .
26 What ties them together is their adoption by the Reagan Administration , which uses Simon 's economic thesis to give intellectual backbone to their moralistic assertions .
27 Enacting the Reagan administration 's economic program meant rubber stamp approval , nothing less .
28 Recently , Moira 's adoptive mother fell ill .
29 The CDP 's 1971 statement suggested five years as the period within which some of the polytechnics could realistically hope to obtain a charter .
30 Viewed from the river bank John of Gaunt 's palatial residence looked magnificent , and even more so tonight with the festivities going on .
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