Example sentences of "[modal v] always [verb] [pos pn] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 You must always keep your reader in mind because he or she is the true reason for writing the report .
2 You must always take my advice .
3 If further bleeding occurs a year or more after your periods have stopped , you should always consult your doctor .
4 If further bleeding occurs a year or more after your periods have stopped , you should always consult your doctor .
5 In addition , an agent should always keep his client 's interests at the front of his mind .
6 LEFT Water can mean danger , and you should always keep your dog on a leash , if there is any risk that it could fall in .
7 The binding of a book should always suit its complexion .
8 ‘ I 'll always love my Heathcliff , and take him with me .
9 them 's careless things you 'll always want your bus packet .
10 Once manufactured and distributed , the material may always find its way to the hands of others who are less equable , so that its effect may be to stir up racial hatred indirectly .
11 you could always change your hairstyle you know that ?
12 At first she had been shy and reluctant — until she discovered the power over him this could give her — that she could always command his interest and attention by resurrecting some memory long buried by forgetfulness and , sometimes , shame .
13 ‘ They could always hold their breath !
14 He saw himself as a great , strong animal who could always protect his girl .
15 They looked brilliant and you could always eat your way out of check , by devouring the opposition .
16 And if Mr. Birt does find himself out of a job , he could always try his luck as a timeshare salesman .
17 I could always ask me mother if I wanted anything .
18 Up until then I had found that when difficulties came or doubts arose in my Christian life , I could always escape their force by not holding myself answerable for my own faith .
19 While stressing IBM good behaviour , IBM chairman John Opel in a speech in London in May 1984 told Europeans that IBM could always take its investment elsewhere .
20 You could always say your spending more
21 ‘ My dear Handel , ’ he said , ‘ if you want to pay back what you owe him , you could always join my company , Clarrikers .
22 ‘ It was very comfortable , ’ he surprisingly recorded , ‘ and I could always keep my eye on the Prime Minister . ’
23 That is , economic forces would always be generated to ensure that the demand for labour would always equal its supply .
24 They both swore it would always remain my home while I wanted it , and so it did .
25 For all her life , Beth would cherish the time they had had together , and she would always regret their parting , and yet , and yet , he was a scoundrel of the worst kind .
26 I sometimes used to go and sit and draw with my Father in his study and he would always encourage my work and often pass on his own useful tips on technique for which I was and still am very grateful .
27 Shulamith Firestone undoubtedly did everyone a great service by vigorously extending this notion to women , and pointing out the absurdity of men 's viewing themselves as totally detached individuals in relation to the rest of society , while still expecting to go home to a wife who would always have their dinner hot for them in the evening .
28 ‘ And for that reason I shall always love his memory . ’
29 We need to challenge the ideology which claims the market knows best , despite claims that we are coming out of recession , we are still losing thousands of jobs because , as we know all too well , the market will always neglect our nation 's long-term interest for the short-term profits of speculators and asset strippers .
30 That cruel place will always bear your name .
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