Example sentences of "[modal v] not [verb] to [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 These statements should not lead to complacency .
2 I hope that the hon. Gentleman agrees that that is a commendable advance by the RUC and the security forces , although it should not lead to complacency , because we shall not be satisfied until five out of five incidents are thwarted .
3 The fact that we could only hypothesize via ‘ indicative ’ signs about the natures of things should not lead to discontent .
4 A Department of Energy spokesman said : ‘ Hopefully this should not lead to power cuts in most cases because distributors ought to be able to get supplies from other area boards . ’
5 Parents were told last night that their children should not come to school due to the appalling standard of cleanliness resulting from the employment of contract cleaners .
6 We should not have to anguish over what needs to be done to stop the physical and mental havoc which such racists wreak on black people .
7 The feeling is , rather , that a certain genetic vulnerability is inherited which may or may not lead to schizophrenia .
8 Those may or may not lead to training or jobs but once a person registers for an interview they are taken off the jobless total .
9 And this , as once again Wollheim argues , though it may not lead to action like that in the representation , acts as a lure to the formation of fresh dispositions to act — of fresh desires .
10 Cannabis may not lead to crime , but jailing people for drug offences does .
11 Cannabis may not lead to crime , but jailing people for drug offences does .
12 General practitioners can determine the pattern of later health care delivery in Alzheimer 's disease and may not refer to specialist outpatient care .
13 This constraint may not apply to fundholding practices where , in addition to the obvious benefits to the patient , real financial incentives exist .
14 People usually start to feel better about a problem when they have some explanation for it , but hang-ups relating to very early patterns of relating between mother and baby which we have been describing may not come to light within the time normally allowed for this type of treatment .
15 Probably if you 're having a new home built or something like that you may not have to recourse to those because while you 're having , you 're having your home built you can say to the electrician , alright I want X number of power points here .
16 He may not run to leather elbow patches , but during the Kincardine by-election , reports from several sides were very approving .
17 Yeah , but I might not go to school tomorrow .
18 And thirdly , his world contained a great number of Christian knights , professional warriors , lords of unrule : if he could but find a holy cause , a just war , God 's war , for them to engage in outside the frontiers of Europe , what might they not achieve , what peace might not come to Christendom ?
19 Even countries such as Indonesia , India and Japan , though they might not succumb to communism , could fall under the red shadow .
20 ‘ You 'll not go to heaven and meet God , ’ the snivelling little hypocrite mumbles .
21 He simply could not go to school .
22 Robert Carnwath feared that the Act was so confused that we could not go to court with a realistic chance of winning .
23 The doctrine of original sin and baptismal regeneration meant that an unbaptised infant could not go to heaven .
24 The four went back to No. 43 , in a close tender group , Jim as king , as victor , and , unwilling that the evening should be lost , they sat on around the kitchen table , sentinelled by the yellow forsythia , and could not bear to part .
25 Leapor , a poor woman , could not dress to advantage ; indeed , her employers ' low regard for her as a servant is partly related to her appearance .
26 Hill farmers , who could not change to dairying because their land was unsuitable , are suffering because of such distortions .
27 There would be time now to see Mr. Fynney , the chief debenture holder on the line , and take his opinion , which I believe has not been given on the position but he , unfortunately , a short time ago lost his brother , and could not attend to business , and there would be time now to obtain the consideration of the promoters of the points above named , before the bill passes the House of Lords .
28 The Government could not point to evidence of particular abuse of power by trade unions .
29 The children could not get to school and the parents could not get to work .
30 The note explains that the series resistance of the mosfet need not lead to inefficiency and a circuit performing at higher efficiency than the one using bipolars is feasible .
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