Example sentences of "[modal v] be from the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The Education Reform Act required college governing bodies to be dominated by employer interests , and it is normally a requirement that at least 50% of the attendance at any governing body meeting should be from the employer sector .
2 Now , the squeeze should be from the tax at the very top .
3 Whilst the natural flow of the design development must be from the top to bottom of Figure I.l , due to the iterative nature of design no truly sequential relationships can be inferred from their order .
4 They agreed that the letter about which Clarissa was so upset must be from the War Office , and Peregrine said it made him feel almost cowardly to have survived the German breakthrough , the evacuation of the beaches and now this latest blow on the very day the capitulation of France was announced .
5 ‘ That must be from the men we wounded in the fight . ’
6 Your learned friend very fairly set the sort of orders one would expect in the case of this sort , erm , can I only add one thing which erm there is still a , failing erm his right there should have been an adjournment this morning that the question of a structured settlement could be investigated , all these people who have indeed , it must be from the plaintiff 's point of view as well , desirable that those investigations be erm carried out , with the greatest , greatest speed possible , obviously it takes time to er instruct the and so on and erm , it seemed er to me that it would be appropriate to include some of the I happen to discuss with my friend , erm providing for the matter to be brought back not later than a certain time
7 In some extraordinary way it seemed hotter now than at midday when the blistering sun was overhead ; such faint breeze as there might be from the water seemed to fall utterly it this turn of the tide .
8 They may have been formed in the interests of diversification ( unnecessary though this might be from the viewpoint of the theory of finance ) or for political reasons , for example .
9 You might be from the newspapers , for all I know .
10 The roofs were most often not their own : long since , the community had drawn in from its perimeter , sharing its water , its food and its warmth , and distancing itself so far as might be from the walls and the thud of the cannon .
11 High buckminsterfullerene yields have been obtained in a heated pulsed laser vaporization where there is no continuous source of new small radicals as there might be from the arc .
12 Ok , normally what we do is to charge erm , erm the lowest charge is fifty pence per mile ok , so that 'll be from the time it leaves here in London till the time it returns .
13 So Lisa , it 's it 's going round at the moment with a mobile one , but after that it 'll be from the shop .
14 A dull cool summer it had been , as different as could be from the year before .
15 Boldwood took it quickly and opened it , thinking it could be from the sender of the valentine .
16 The text could be from the course-book you are using , from a reader , from a newspaper — whatever your students are interested in .
17 bring into active play all the possible forces , schools and clubs , etc. , to neutralise and overcome the pernicious influences of ‘ blind alley ’ employment , to insure that , however uneducative and useless a juvenile 's job may be from the point of view of the future , he shall not on that account emerge from it unfitted for any other kind of labour .
18 As it stands , classical Freudian theory should therefore predict that sleep might be disturbed by the prevention of dreaming , but that any untoward effects would be from the prevention of restorative sleep , rather than the prevention of dreaming per se .
19 Unfortunately we 're gon na have to market ours at about eighty two pence , but we feel this is quite reasonable considering that the vast the biggest sales of this two litre size would be from the milk floats and would delivered to the door .
20 In answer to a parliamentary question on Aug. 5 the government said that it expected its NATO allies to withdraw around 133,000 troops over the next few years , of which 75,000 would be from the USA and 25,000 from the UK .
21 Inevitably most of the players will be from the Hearn and Doyle camps , which are headed by Steve Davis and Stephen Hendry respectively , but Doug Mountjoy , who is unmanaged , and Dean Reynolds , who is managed by Mark McCormack 's International Management Group , are also provisionally in the top eight .
22 Present trends mean that by 2003 , a quarter of all the sulphur dioxide emitted into the air of the European Community will be from the UK .
23 ‘ I hope that when I write to you again it will be from the palace at Edinburgh . ’
24 Relief there will be from the grind of the daily pile of constituency correspondence and the regular weekend surgeries .
25 out of the seven or eight records played in each Radio I half-hour , four or five will be from the playlist .
26 Locos in use will be from the pool including 35005 , 30926 , 506 , 5593 , 6990 , 7760 , and possibly 5224 .
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