Example sentences of "[modal v] be [vb pp] by the " in BNC.

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1 The maximum requirement was that Galileo should be warned by the Commissary of the Inquisition that if he were to hold , defend , or teach the Copernican doctrine in any way , he would be imprisoned .
2 Major was reported to have told him that his efforts to end race policies should be rewarded by the scrapping of sanctions .
3 That 's an excellent role for farmers , for which they should be rewarded by the public .
4 In this connection the court will , it is thought , be prepared to recognise the unavailability of cover beyond certain limits and that such top-up cover as may be arranged may only be available on an aggregate , as opposed to an " each and every claim " , basis ; ( 5 ) any limitation must be brought to the attention of the client and should be confirmed by the client in writing .
5 These should be selected by the ward sister and school of nursing librarian so that the particular specialities of the ward are covered .
6 Clearly , however , even if a company can freely establish a branch in a host member state it is also necessary to decide whether the conduct of that branch 's business should be regulated by the home member state or the host member state .
7 In future the duties of the clerk should be regulated by the Council on Tribunals being confined to secretarial work , the taking of notes of evidence , and advice on the functions of the tribunal .
8 The king had agreed that peers should be tried only in parliament and before their equals , and that accusations against ministers should be heard by the peers in parliament .
9 It should be noted by the reader that only the world 's main currencies fluctuate in relation to one another .
10 LIFESPAN responds by allocating an SSR identifier which should be noted by the user as it is required for reference in other operations relating to the SSR .
11 On this principle , it has been authoritatively stated that no injunction should be granted by the civil courts to restrain the dissemination of allegedly obscene books , as such a step would pre-empt the ultimate decision of a jury .
12 Real ale is a natural product that should be served by the natural methods described above .
13 One path to go down might begin from the priority the Council had given to its knowledge of the particular institutions : ‘ it seems that we should now begin to build even more positively on this and consider a move in which certain institutions were granted particular responsibilities … the academic board in an experienced institution engaging in work of high quality should be authorized by the Council to reach decisions in defined areas ’ , and within understood frameworks of report and action .
14 Volume targets were planned partly on the basis of growth projections for National Income , and partly on political judgement as to how much of National Income should be absorbed by the state .
15 Thus Macaulay thought that the Revolution " finally decided the great question whether the popular element … should be destroyed by the monarchical element , or should be suffered to develop itself freely , and to become dominant " .
16 In its new location , close to the pharmaceutical faculty of Strasbourg University , laboratory and reference substance facilities are now being fitted out and the transfer or the organisation 's secretariat should be completed by the autumn .
17 WORK on Medstead 's newly revamped pavilion should be completed by the end of May .
18 Tandy Corp says that the planned spin-off of its new TE Electronics manufacturing subsidiary should be completed by the summer of 1993 .
19 The Posix group is working on an industry standard for multi-threading architectures which should be completed by the end of the year ( UX No 397 ) — SunSoft says it has implemented all specifications that have already been drafted .
20 The new facility will house the operations currently spread between Billerica , Andover , Methuen and Westford , and should be completed by the end of 1993 .
21 A Change Request Form should be completed by the person requesting the change .
22 For all changes proposed after development , a Change Request Form should be completed by the person requesting the change .
23 For all the forms ( NEWOED1–NEWOED7 ) the following should be completed by the lexicographers :
24 He maintained that the construction of the flood barriers ( based on the MOSE prototype : see The Art Newspaper , No. 15 , February 1992 , p.1 ) would not be held up until the de-pollution programme was completed : plans and experimental work on the flood barriers would go ahead while the environmental problems were being dealt with and experimental work should be completed by the beginning of 1994 .
25 The second stage of the work should be completed by the beginning of next year .
26 Work on this project began in May and should be completed by the end of this year .
27 Direct Line , if it continues its current heady growth , should easily fill the gap left by the Charterhouse Merchant banking subsidiary , whose sale should be completed by the summer .
28 The Personal Accident & Sickness claim form includes a medical certificate which should be completed by the Policyholder 's Doctor .
29 ( j ) Completion of TransAction forms The property information form , which is part of the Protocol scheme , should be completed by the seller at the outset .
30 The work should be completed by the end of the year and is part of the government 's drive to reduce energy consumption in the public sector by per cent by 1996 .
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