Example sentences of "[modal v] be make by [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Recruitment to any organisation must be an ongoing process , however it was thought that a concerted effort should be made by CPRW in 1992 to significantly increase membership .
2 Recruitment to any organisation must be an ongoing process , however it was thought that a concerted effort should be made by CPRW in 1992 to significantly increase membership .
3 The verbatim records have survived almost intact and enable the sequence of offers and counteroffers that should be made by bargainers behaving optimally according to the rules .
4 A SWITCH to more floodlit matches should be made by Sealink Welsh Alliance clubs next season , according to two of the league 's chief officers .
5 The appeal will be determined by way of written representations , which must be made by May 1st .
6 Applications for shares must be made by March 18 and dealing will start on March 23 .
7 The word ‘ strategy ’ , or indeed , ‘ management ’ , for example , implies that choices are available ; and choices , if they are to be rationally defensible , must be made by reference to known and accepted principles .
8 Its appraisal must be made by reference to the market position and the economic and financial power of the parties ; to alternatives available to suppliers and users ; to access to suppliers or markets ; to the structure of the markets affected , to take account of international competition ; to consider legal and factual barriers to entry ; and the interests of consumers and the development of technical and economic progress ( provided that the latter is to the consumers ' advantage and does not form an obstacle to competition ) .
9 In Cocks v Thanet District Council [ 1983 ] 2 AC 286 it was held that challenges to administrative decisions made by local authorities must be made by application for judicial review , rather than by actions for breach of statutory duty .
10 After this Stirling decided the approach must be made by jeep .
11 That leaves tomorrow to approach the board , and as I shall insist that the arrangement must be made by Monday — the bank of course , will wish to appoint its own auditors — if you can come to my office at four o'clock on Monday afternoon , Colonel Blair , I shall introduce — you to your superiors .
12 A start might be made by women teachers coming to recognise how they themselves are subjected to sex-role stereotyping in the educational hierarchy , and by making links between their own position and that of their girl pupils .
13 Maximum use might be made by supplicants and petitioners of the distance between them and Rome .
14 ( iii ) The parties agreed that delivery could be made by instalments ( either on specified dates or ‘ as required ’ ) and the contract is severable ( divisible ) .
15 If Policyholder can stay with relatives , then perhaps a ‘ token ’ payment could be made by way of ‘ rent ’ .
16 At the time this was the longest journey which could be made by tram in London and owing to rapid trolleybus conversions , the last occasion on which it was possible .
17 Lord Bridge then gave his reasons for acknowledging that the Court of Appeal , of which he had been a member , in De Falco v. Crawley Borough Council was wrong to hold that a challenge to a housing authority 's decision on intentional homelessness could be made by action as well as by judicial review , and continued , at p. 294 :
18 They thought that to do things by hand when a machine was available was waste of human resource , and so they put a lot of their energy into products that could be made by batch production .
19 The RICS guidance notes said that an application could be made by letter , although it would not be processed until the official form had been completed and the fee paid .
20 In modern sophisticated hotels bookings may be made by telex .
21 At the local level , certain decisions concerning land use and deployment of labour may be made by village councils , whose range of authority , extent of public acknowledgement of penalties , acceptance by people , and their distribution of power have to be considered .
22 Informal enquiries may be made by telephone , ext 4707 ) .
23 One booking for any one day may be made by telephone on Harlow 635100 or by personal visit at Reception .
24 One booking on any one day may be made by telephone on Harlow 635100 or by personal visit at Reception .
25 In the county court or High Court emergency applications may be made by telephone out of court hours and an application form must then be filed at court within 24 hours ( FPR , r4.4(4) ) .
26 These adjustments to measurable criteria may be made by reference to research studies or to ‘ expert ’ judgement .
27 ( 3 ) The court to which an appeal is brought under this section may reverse or vary the order or decision of the court below , and make such other order as may be just ; and without prejudice to the inherent powers of any court referred to in subsection ( 2 ) of this section , provisions may be made by rules of court for authorising the release on bail of an appellant under this section .
28 Payment in Turkey may be made by credit card .
29 Elaborating a little on this , we can say that curricular decisions may be made by students , individual lecturers , departments , faculties , academic senates or institutional committees , and central authorities in or near government .
30 The effect of this judgment would be to substitute rather different declarations for those made by Vinelott J. The declarations should , in our opinion , subject to any comments on the drafting that may be made by counsel , be in the following form :
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