Example sentences of "[modal v] be [verb] for [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 Secondly , you assert Sinead does not have ‘ courage and integrity ’ and then follow this up with an argument that these nouns should be reserved for Mother Theresa and fellow carers .
2 The formidable Mrs. Mary Campbell of Boquhan , a lady with great influence in the affairs of the town of Stirling , and with equally strong views on the choice of a minister for her parish church , demanded that the king 's presentation should be obtained for Robert Ure , who was the assistant minister of St. Ninian 's parish .
3 Secondly , the Ulster Unionist party felt that supplies of natural gas should be obtained for Northern Ireland .
4 Americans were exasperated that they should be paying for Europe 's defence when the Europeans were not doing their utmost to help themselves .
5 Uzuncarsili follows much the same line , though perhaps in an attempt to salvage something of the Taskopruzade/Mecdi story he suggests in effect that in that story Mehmed I ( 1413–21 ) should be read for Bayezid I : he thus concludes that Molla Fenari left for Karaman either in the confused period following Ankara or in the time of Mehmed I , in the manner described by Taskopruzade .
6 The justices further stated that they wished to ensure that the case did not drift and that a secure , stable and permanent carer should be found for L. , whether that carer be her mother or another family .
7 It was agreed that an extraordinary USSR Congress of People 's Deputies should be convened for Sept. 2 .
8 ‘ But the fact is , he is a superb player and he should be playing for Arsenal . ’
9 Boards of trustees must be formed for Moscow 's museums , with the aim of restoring them .
10 Otago CA chairman J.J. Ritchie suggested a ‘ billet ’ might be found for Crawford during the day .
11 She was fully determined that the Merchiston fortune must end with Benedict — that much she owed to Isabel 's memory — but at least some provision might be found for Theda .
12 Perhaps a name that might be borrowed for Henley should the Club ever go ahead as occasionally discussed to name its holes ?
13 The cost of producing a new commercial could not be justified — the Indonesian beer market is still relatively small , although growing — so PTGI scoured the GBW network for existing advertisements which might be adapted for Indonesia .
14 She 'll be rooting for Bush , by the way .
15 sunny California may sound good … but for swimmers like Jaime King it 's all hard work … this summer she 'll be swimming for Britain in the European championships … she 's just won the senior title … and on top of all the training has also been taking her GCSE 's at school …
16 I 'll be leaving for Naples within the week . ’
17 If you want me , I 'll be looking for Sam . ’
18 Boxing now and the South African who 'll be fighting for Paul Weir 's world mini-flyweight title on Monday has arrived in Scotland .
19 Soon you 'll be applying for London again .
20 I 'm sure it could be arranged for Jimmy to come with us . ’
21 He says a case could be made for Manchester 's fullback , but in no sport are players picked from outside the national leagues — and anyway we can all spend hours picking players unlucky not to tour .
22 On this evidence , however , almost as strong a case could be made for Johns , Kingston and O'Hara — although the last two named have said they are unavailable to tour .
23 She knew that with enough money , alot could be done for Katya in England .
24 The same could be said for Bailey 's life : nothing is as it appears .
25 The same could be said for Belgium .
26 The same could be said for Adrian Maguire who got his big chance when Martin Pipe was looking for someone to ride the former Scott-trained Omerta in the Cheltenham Kim Muir in 1991 and Homer recommended Maguire who at that time was unknown outside the point-to-point field .
27 Whether that could be said for Evan Dando is more difficult .
28 Which was more than could be said for Geoff Tulloch .
29 Which was more than could be said for Mr Gittings , the decorator .
30 La Paz : It 's a city of shining skyscrapers where the wealthy industrialists and politicians enjoy life in a suburb which could be mistaken for Los Angeles .
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