Example sentences of "[modal v] be [verb] [prep] an " in BNC.

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1 Many restrict NHS treatment to children only , but it 's vital that children should be registered with an NHS dentist so they can receive free orthodontic treatment , if necessary .
2 To be eligible an enterprise should be registered in an EC member country and have a product or process aimed at a transnational market .
3 From around six weeks you should be rewarded by an answering smile .
4 Even so , a link between desire and routine behaviour should be noted as an important element in preserving the right of elders to ‘ want something ’ , and thus to avoid depersonalising them .
5 If an original receipt is obtained and the Claimant requests it 's return , then the receipt should be stamped with an official stamp and a claim number .
6 The beginner should be looking at an initial purchase of one sail to allow them to learn in light winds of up to force two .
7 If you do n't have at least two acres for the first horse and at least one per subsequent animal sharing the land , you have n't got enough for satisfactory winter keep and should be looking for an alternative .
8 Toffler-junkies should be prepared for an intellectual placebo .
9 SCOTTISH cereal farmers should be prepared for an increase in their growing costs , particularly for chemicals and to a lesser extent for fertilisers , as a result of successive devaluations of sterling since the United Kingdom 's departure from the exchange rate mechanism .
10 First , they argued that a Maximum Admissible Concentration should be treated as an absolute limit not to be breached , and not the basis of an average .
11 Instead it proposes that the 50 mg/litre limit should be treated as an average not a fixed limit .
12 As such , it should be treated as an investment in the infrastructure of the capital and appropriately resourced with both money and the equally important human currency of ideas , creativity , and enthusiasm .
13 The Lord Chancellor 's Advisory Committee has argued in vain that law centres should be treated as an essential part of the national network of legal services and that the Lord Chancellor should take on responsibility for their core funding .
14 To achieve anything approaching optimum effectiveness in the ‘ technological office ’ , it is logical that the environment should be treated as an important part of the process .
15 Every exhibition should be treated as an opportunity to inform visitors about our scientific activities and priorities .
16 And should be treated as an industrial injury .
17 Affected dogs should be treated with an anthelmintic , such as thenium , mebendazole , fenbendazole , dichlorvos and nitroscanate , all of which will kill both adult and developing intestinal stages .
18 The contributors regularly asserted that a university was not a democracy , and that academic study should be reserved for an elite by concentrating attention and opportunity only upon students endowed with " unusual gifts " .
19 A political ideology , then , should be viewed as an abridgement of a particular tradition .
20 From this perspective law should be viewed as an instrument for meeting certain social goals .
21 The ERA should be viewed as an entitlement curriculum for all pupils with a widening of curriculum opportunities for pupils with SENs .
22 This should be viewed as an investment in risk reduction and the cost regarded as an insurance premium .
23 This should be viewed as an investment in risk reduction and the cost regarded as an insurance premium .
24 And that means you should be aiming for an outfit that suggests smartness and efficiency rather than one that screams ‘ sack me ’ .
25 Thirdly , establishing that an admissible statement should be adopted as an expression of parliamentary intention requires establishing a negative , namely that the subsequent parliamentary proceedings do not reveal that the statement was withdrawn or varied or that a relevant inconsistent amendment was successfully moved .
26 A distinction should be made between an objective and a job description .
27 Similarly , no assessment should be made on an employee for entertaining expenses paid by an employer not trading in the UK .
28 He said there had been difficulties in some committee meetings in trying to achieve a quorum and said payments should be made as an award for members who attended .
29 Any unusual features should be noted and the response to them should be made by an appropriately qualified and experienced person .
30 Being a very tall and large plant , it should be given plenty of room , and ideally should be grown as an accent plant .
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