Example sentences of "[modal v] find [pn reflx] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 There 's still the strong possibility you might find yourself in court over your actions this weekend , and I can tell you that judges take a poor view of women who imagine themselves potential victims .
2 This was the first time she had admitted openly that all was not well ; and I was forced to reassure her , for otherwise she might find herself in sympathy with me , she might come to my side , and this was unthinkable , for to be understood by her was a prospect beyond endurance .
3 My I move to er questions about the er comparison between the erm Eurofighter and other fighters it might find itself in combat with .
4 ‘ And get yourselves dressed or you 'll find yourself on fatigues . ’
5 Even if the Academy is ‘ allowed ’ to meet , we 'll find ourselves under house arrest . ’
6 Daniel Thwaites could find himself in HSE trouble for allowing unsafe practices in his competition — the gentleman should have been told to wear a hairnet .
7 ‘ It is a serious offence , but it means first-time offenders committing that crime could find themselves in prison . ’
8 Accordingly , companies could find themselves in front of the Review Panel when an early discussion with the UITF might have saved an embarrassing discussion .
9 Brothers turned against brother , and married women could find themselves in opposition to their own family , in duty to their husband .
10 Because of this factor it is relatively expensive and little seen , and only of use to regular , frequent business users who would find themselves in difficulties without the transportation .
11 Newspaper stories told how innocent women strolling the streets of foreign countries would ignore the feeling of a slight pin prick in the arm and next minute would find themselves in brothels .
12 Unfortunately , the Cane Toad does n't warrant inclusion , because anybody who scrapes the skin off the toad would find themselves in possession of a substance called Bufotenine , which happens to be listed as a Class A drug under the Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 .
13 Nurses who prescribe will find themselves under pressure from the pharmaceutical industry to use products inappropriately , community staff have been warned .
14 In Fig. 9–5 B will find himself with income and if we assume that A for whatever reason is altruistic towards B , then there exists a demand by A for , income for , which is normally marginally irrelevant .
15 Thus it is likely Derek Turnbull will find himself on occasions deployed in that region .
16 The character will find himself in manacles , but is allowed a test against S each Turn to free himself .
17 Doubtless you will find yourself in positions where what I 've said is worse than useless , and facing foes who have thought of tricks I would never have dreamed of .
18 On a day-to-day level , you may find yourself with responsibilities you did not have previously , such as organizing the household accounts and paying the bills .
19 You have been fortunate enough to build up a reserve of savings over the years , or you may find yourself in receipt of an inheritance .
20 You may find yourself in dispute with management on what seems to you to be a fundamental point of principle .
21 Sometimes , however , less experienced investigators take up a defensive stance , while others may find themselves under pressure from their political masters to adopt a particular approach .
22 Other countries may find themselves under pressure to follow the German lead .
23 In that case , corporate interests may find themselves in conflict with their political controllers .
24 In some cases subsidence damage will have come to light when a property is being sold and we may find ourselves under pressure to resolve the claim quickly to allow the sale to proceed .
25 But traditions are made to be broken ; if this one is not , Lloyd 's may find itself in pieces instead .
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