Example sentences of "[modal v] see [pers pn] at [art] " in BNC.

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1 Yeah , cos I might , I might see you at the station if you get the train .
2 I 've told her I 'll see her at the funeral , though I suppose it wo n't be for a while .
3 ‘ You 'll see them at the wedding , ’ said my mother .
4 We 'll see you at the next coaches ' meeting . ’
5 I 'm looking forward to Hamlet , but I wo n't bother you at the theatre ; I 'll see you at the flat .
6 I 'll see you at the end of April . ’
7 ‘ I 'll see you at the meeting , ’ said Jeremy .
8 So I 'll see you at the course tomorrow . ’
9 And I 'll see you at the Ritz at one .
10 ‘ I 'll see you at the château tonight for dinner . ’
11 I 'll see you at the inquest . ’
12 ‘ I do hope that 's not my lasagne I can smell burning , my dear , ’ and while she moved swiftly to check the oven and to find that not a thing was burning , Naylor was saying , ‘ We 'll see you at the weekend , Travis . ’
13 ‘ I 'll see you at the weekend , then , ’ Leith said lightly , and was once more wanting to do something of a pugilistic nature to her employer when , just as though he lived there , he went to the door with Travis and saw him out .
14 ‘ I 'll see you at the office on Monday morning , ’ Damian told her as he walked her home in the hot , humid night to her own villa next door and cicadas buzzed metallically as they walked past the fountain .
15 Right , I 'll see you at the weekend .
16 If I could see him at the back I 'll er , I 'll just get the question a bit more clearer and I 'm sure I can help .
17 I opened my eyes at fucking five to six and I could see him at the window Ken ran then across the road and he says Dawn your brother 's been trying to get in for ages .
18 ‘ I could see them at the hotel .
19 I was with , and it was , I could see it at the front .
20 Poindexter , weary , did not really want to know and had no memory of the memo at all ; he told him he would see him at the office in the morning .
21 No doubt he would see her at the vicarage .
22 But his arguments can be generalized for all mass cultural forms ; indeed , taking more recent popular music developments and music theorizing into account , we can see him at the head — implicitly and sometimes explicitly — of a ‘ Benjamin Ian ’ tradition , pointing perhaps ‘ beyond mass culture ’ .
23 Er one is actually getting the O H P's so that you can see them at the back .
24 You can see them at the Southport Soul Weekend on Saturday and signing their new single You Threw Our Love Away at the HMV shop on Tuesday lunchtime .
25 The cab has arrived , we can see it at the bottom of the stairs , grunting in anticipation , straining to be clutched and directed , to take us away .
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