Example sentences of "[modal v] give [art] [noun] to " in BNC.

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1 At the end of the nineteen twenties the policy from Moscow , not just to the Chinese Communist Party but actually to communist parties all over the world swings dramatically to the left and Stalin is arguing that there 's , there are going to be revolutionary explosions all over the world the Communist Party must forge its own path , it must put itself at the head of these struggles , it must give a lead to the masses by launching insurrections and so on and so forth .
2 Joan too had heard the current gossip and had lain awake for much of the previous night , persuading herself it was a fabrication and that she must give no heed to wagging tongues .
3 It 's Dilys I 'm thinking of and you should give a thought to her , too .
4 The cashier should give a receipt to the receptionist that he or she has taken charge of the money .
5 The salary records should provide the opportunity to analyse wages between productive and non-productive headings ; the fees ledger should give the facility to ‘ age ’ debtors if necessary by client type or geographical area .
6 Let's give the money to him at once .
7 Wolves ( 11th ) may give a debut to central defender Simkin in place of Madden ( thigh ) , injured against Ipswich in midweek .
8 If Jarvis does not play , Yorkshire may give a debut to Harrogate born paceman Stuart Milburn who was due to play against Oxford University but that game was abandoned without a ball being
9 Chemical analysis is usually employed to determine the materials from which an object is made , and often to identify trace elements which may give a clue to the origins and date of the object .
10 A creditor may give a proxy to any person of full age ( who himself need not be a creditor or contributory ) ( r 8.1(3) ) requiring the proxy holder to use his discretion on voting ( a general proxy ) or requiring him to vote for or against any specified resolution ( a special proxy ) .
11 In turn these children may give no signals to a busy teacher ‘ scanning ’ the class while working with another group that they are other than fully and productively engaged in their learning tasks .
12 If someone dies in hospital the health authority may give the certificate to the registrar who attends the hospital but , again , someone must attend the registration office .
13 There were one or two comments made in the June issue which may give an insight to the British problem .
14 ‘ Now let me have your own passports and anything that might give a clue to your true identities . ’
15 " Somebody 's gone to a lot of trouble to remove anything that might give a clue to his identity , " Redpath said .
16 It may perhaps be objected that the distance may prevent the pupils of the Hospitals from attending the Lectures of the Veterinary Professor — I will first answer to that — that it would be dangerous for the progress of the Veterinary science to give them too free admission into the College — because it might give a disgust to the residing pupils from their application to the Veterinary Medicine and many of them would change their mind and apply themselves to the anatomy of the human body , thinking that it would be more honorable for them to cure the human species than Animals , this happened in France and the best Veterinary pupils are now Physicians and Surgeons to the human species — this prejudiced ideal would inculcate itself into the minds of young men , the more so as the Veterinary Science is still in its Infancy in this Country , and in an abject state , for this reason it would be equally dangerous to permit residing pupils to attend medical or anatomical lectures , of the human body , or to frequent Hospitals : Therefore a certain distance from the Town would be more useful than otherwise for the progress of the Veterinary Science .
17 He suggested that I might give a dinner to the leading newspaper editors and proprietors , when he could make some statement calculated to neutralise some of the undoubted venom that was then directed at him .
18 Or I might give the job to someone else . ’
19 Alternatively , the duke might give the post to someone who would take it in order to oblige the town council of Glasgow , perhaps even a member of that council , or one of the town 's lawyers .
20 I 'll get de credit an I 'll give de cash to charity
21 We 'll give the story to the newspapers , and they 'll tell the world about it .
22 ‘ We 'll give the story to the newspapers , ’ said Pete 's soft voice in Washington .
23 I hope he 'll give the nod to the ones I 've suggested to you .
24 I 'll give the keys to you in a minute .
25 ‘ I 'll give the carving to Ana after dinner , señor , ’ she said in a rush , trying to get her mind to other things and seeking strict convention like a suit of armour .
26 Leeds could give a debut to new signing Jamie Lowes .
27 If that were to be fully reflected in a lower real exchange rate ( the nominal rate adjusted to take account of changes in UK output prices relative to those elsewhere ) , competitiveness would improve significantly and could give a boost to growth .
28 DEADLY sharks could give a lifeline to cancer victims .
29 Before Charles could give an order to his platoon , in which he could identify himself with them in such a disagreeable manoeuvre , the new Company Commander continued to pursue the military solecism of humiliating an officer in front of his own command .
30 The more isolated rural Free City population gave its support to the NSDAP at an early stage , but by and large the city dwellers could give the lie to much Nazi propaganda .
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