Example sentences of "[modal v] more [adv] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Others are tested when an industrial accident occurs , on the theory that it creates a ‘ reasonable suspicion ’ of drug impairment , even though faulty equipment or poor weather conditions may more plausibly account for the mishap .
2 Even though the individual shopper will often find some functional justification for his or her particular choice , as being especially practical , other reasons , some of which will be analysed in later chapters , may be adduced , relating to social rather than functional considerations which may more convincingly account for the majority of purchases .
3 Without the incentive to employ workers for whom no national insurance contributions are payable , employers may more rationally decide on whether new job opportunities warrant full- or part-time status .
4 If not , is there any printer whose range of fonts would more nearly coincide with that of KX-P1124i ?
5 We might expect , however , that it would more typically occur as the final sentence of a paragraph , not as a climax , but as describing an action which culminates a series of actions .
6 In other exercises , the goal was to reduce the variety of link types so that visual inspection of the semantic net would more readily lead to recognition of repeating patterns .
7 Dutoit is remarkably successful at avoiding the Hollywood cinematic style , so that the 1940s nostalgia endemic in , say , the unforgettable saxophone second subject of ( i ) , is sounded with a purity and sense of line which one would more readily associate with Ravel than Rachmaninov — yet , by golly it works !
8 From the end of William 's reign , when contemporaries talked of a struggle between Court and Country , they were describing what we would more readily recognise as a clash between Whigs and Tories .
9 They are known in the Toraja language as " Most Holy Penis " and " Most Sacred Vagina " — though they would more accurately translate into a lighter vernacular .
10 It is one of those informal and cheerful places to change from one country to another , unlike the lower , busier frontier posts , with bureaucrats who will more likely wave to you rather than ask to see your passport .
11 The literariness of poetic rhythm , for example , can not necessarily be ascribed to mere rhythm , but will more likely derive from disruption of the rhythm .
12 Boys , however , will more likely opt for major sports brands and their files will feature photographs of models like Cindy Crawford and pin-ups like Rebekah Elmaloglou of TV 's Home and Away .
13 The problem can more easily arise for young academics , who are close in age to their students and do not know when they are crossing an invisible line .
14 Sugar and fat are also frowned on in the report because they can more easily lead to obesity than some other foods .
15 In a festival , where the usual rules do not apply , there is a feeling of release , for the ego can more easily coincide with the ego ideal , for a short time at least .
16 In particular , it is the basis for estimating how shareholders , who can more easily conceive of their investment problem as one of switching funds between alternative projects , will evaluate projects .
17 In general , the move is towards supporting the spoken language so that deaf children can more easily fit into the community as a whole , but perhaps the key insight from Tervoort 's study is the perception of the range of solution available to educators in different countries .
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