Example sentences of "[modal v] well [be] [conj] the " in BNC.

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1 It might well be that the researcher decided to start inside the home with individual activities , and lead on to collective ones .
2 Held , allowing the appeal , the problem was considered in Mann ( 1972 ) 56 Cr.App.R. 750 where Lord Widgery C.J. had said that if an accused remained silent in response to every question it might well be that the evidence of the onesided dialogue should not be admitted .
3 Thus though it might well be that the very short-term phases of memory are dependent on the continued electrical activity of the brain — and there will be more to be said about this in due course — in the longer term any persistent record or trace must demand some more permanent incarnation .
4 For these reasons , it might well be that the courts will be reluctant to interfere with the judgment of the policeman on the spot , especially if he is an experienced officer .
5 In certain cases it might well be that the defendant 's ignorance will not help him .
6 Whatever the process , it could well be that the crustal shortening in the continents produced by the early phases of the Hercynian orogeny , with its resultant lowering of sea-levels , produced the widespread regression of late Carboniferous times , when coal measure swamps spread from Texas to the Donetz .
7 It could well be that the right hon. Member for Chingford and others are so offended by the success of those organisations and the ability of those individuals that they wish to curtail the right of people to seek that independent legal advice .
8 Similarly where no such trust has been brought about : if , say , a child 's family disintegrates it may well be but the beginning of a whole sequence of misfortunes and unsatisfactory care arrangements in institutions and foster homes .
9 So , despite his presentation of sceptical arguments against knowledge of the nature of things , Gassendi does , nevertheless , hint that ‘ it may well be that the basis for knowledge does exist ’ ; even though this will be ‘ a knowledge of experience and , I may say , of appearances ’ .
10 Corn was shipped along the Stroudwater canal to Oil Mill , although it may well be that the last half mile or so of the Painswick Stream was once navigable .
11 It may well be that the smaller powers benefit first from the new defensive technologies .
12 It may well be that the main cross-talk between cells involves specifying position .
13 It may well be that the rate will slip further with so many children failing to receive regular schooling .
14 It may well be that the ‘ ideal-type ’ , far from being ideally typical , actually represents very abnormal and atypical political conditions .
15 UNDER the improbable aegis of Ronald Reagan , who has never found occasion to say much good or bad about science during his long public career , it may well be that the American scientific community is headed for an economic boom .
16 It was some time after the construction of the capital 's tramway system , and it may well be that the true origins of the tale lay in a superstitious dread of this foreign technology .
17 It may well be that the sons of barons and knights jostled with Sceva and Ollo in the markets of the twelfth century ; and it is likely enough that there were more rich men 's sons than poor men 's sons wearing the alderman 's robes .
18 It may well be that the costs of change were underestimated or , indeed , left out of account altogether .
19 In the future , it may well be that the western interventionist-imperialists will be on the liberal-left , not the laissez-faire right .
20 The reality may well be that the enterprise is not competitive enough but the military metaphor is a way of bringing about this attitude .
21 It may well be that the canny consumer , after benefiting from retailers ' losing their nerve and going into early reductions in 1991 , was waiting for the same to happen again .
22 It may well be that the Jewish leaders did not consider the event to be a trial but more of an interrogation to see if there was enough evidence to take Jesus to the Roman Governor .
23 WITH THE ADVENT of the Professional Aviation Services Jet Prop DC-3 ( FP November , p52 ) , it may well be that the Dakota will see a resurgence in South Africa .
24 It consists of an 8-metre-diameter beehive tomb , with a large square capstone still in place , and a 20-metre-long entrance passage on the east side ; it is like a simpler , trial-run version of the great tholos tombs at Mycenae , and it may well be that the Mycenean tholos tombs originated as a Minoan idea ( Plate 20 ) .
25 Few are in any doubt that there is plenty more pain to come , and it may well be that the interim management is now expected to clear the decks , steel itself to announce another enormous net loss for the current quarter and let the new chief executive and team come in with a clean sheet .
26 It may well be that the second disk is defective .
27 It may well be that the Tories ' most lasting and damaging contribution to the cultural life of the nation will have been their deliberate subjection of Britain 's television companies to the crudest of market forces , which will almost certainly reduce the best programmes in the world to the shoddy idiocies everyone else in Europe and US is fed .
28 This means that the main body of the national collection still has no permanent home and it may well be that the Casina delle Civette will become a more specialised museum of Art Nouveau glass , the Villino Boncompagni will house the twentieth-century items and another site will be found for the remaining collections .
29 Since deductive explanations are most natural in situations where speakers encounter ( or anticipate ) a conflict between their own and someone else 's beliefs , it may well be that the ability to represent the relationship between two conflicting beliefs helps children appreciate the need for deductive explanations .
30 It may well be that the Department has achieved what they set out to achieve .
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