Example sentences of "[modal v] not [be] [vb pp] [that] " in BNC.

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1 It must not be concluded that the Sahara was well watered in the Pleistocene : it probably had a hot steppe type climate rather than a true desert climate as at present .
2 It must not be assumed that the absence of a 24-hour rhythm in newborn babies means that they have no rhythms at all .
3 It must not be assumed that the most likely date is in the centre of the range ; to quantify the distribution of the calendar dates , one of the probability methods ( which require computerisation ) must be used .
4 Although owning a car is common today , it must not be assumed that all nurses can provide their own transport .
5 However , at present it must not be assumed that sales always produce immediate problems .
6 So also , it must not be assumed that Ministers and civil servants regard judicial decisions as necessarily embodying the ultimate wisdom , especially where those decisions limit their powers .
7 The lists of items in Categories I , II , III and IV are not exhaustive , and it must not be assumed that items of storage not specifically mentioned are regarded automatically as coming under Category I. In general , items under Categories II , III and IV are those where experience has shown that the materials produce exceptionally intense firms with the high rate of heat release .
8 It must not be assumed that everyone wishes to participate — ‘ active citizenship ’ ( to use one of the Conservative Party 's catchphrases ) is not for everyone .
9 It must not be assumed that everyone initially agrees about the implications .
10 It must not be claimed that anyone can sense time itself apart from the movement of things or their restful immobility . ’
11 Third , it must not be overlooked that a doctor is a professional whose training predisposes him to ‘ save ’ lives and treat the sick .
12 It must not be thought that these are neglected in the French nuclear programme .
13 It must not be thought that such differences are mere matters of imagination , and that we take the sensations to be different because we represent each of them to ourselves as occupying a different place .
14 But it must not be thought that papal conciliar decrees which seem so clear-cut to the modern scholar , who sees them in all the clarity of the printed page , had a similar force and clarity for contemporaries .
15 But it must not be thought that he was in this alone in his society : there were others also who were not .
16 But it must not be thought that this domination is exercised only through the repression of dissent by police , though this certainly is important .
17 The baton is , however , necessary at the Opéra , where large choruses are frequently sung in the wings … it must not be thought that such a distant group of singers can hear the orchestra , however numerous : each person sings in his neighbour 's ear , and I have sometimes surprised myself by singing off the beat and incorrectly conducting [ conduisant ] the chorus surrounding me .
18 Yet he insists that if the arts are a necessary element in culture and if culture is essential to develop a people 's highest spiritual capacities , then it must not be forgotten that without religion no culture can exist .
19 However , it must not be forgotten that Miller 's expertise in the propagation and care of these newcomers , together with detailed advice on their cultivation in the Dictionary , undoubtedly played an important part in the availability and successful growing of hitherto unknown plants .
20 However , it must not be forgotten that EEIGs are not exempt from the EC competition rules on joint ventures .
21 It must not be forgotten that pedestrians are not only concerned with danger from traffic , but also with the threat posed by other people ; as Hanna puts it ‘ not all pedestrians are Good Guys ’ .
22 It must not be forgotten that Luke is the author of two books in the New Testament : the Gospel and the Acts of the Apostles .
23 The Labyrinth dominates our thinking about Knossos , but it must not be forgotten that the temple was surrounded by a Minoan city , most of which remains unexcavated .
24 It must not be forgotten that all the above Acts were passed by a parliament which was elected in ‘ The peoples Republic ’ with an overwhelming Communist party majority .
25 Of course it is often possible to distinguish ‘ strong ’ and ‘ weak ’ ministers ; but it must not be forgotten that the comparatively temporary incumbent of the top position of a large organization may be just lucky or unlucky — in arriving when key advisers are likely to agree that exciting innovations are necessary , or conversely in finding that the consolidation of existing policies , or the confronting of unpleasant realities , is more important than the policy changes he or she cherishes .
26 It must not be forgotten that independent parts given to the feebler instruments are not actually heard in the tutti , but may play havoc with the clarity of design which should be the orchestrator 's first aim .
27 It must not be forgotten that the first person to give evidence about the injuries is going to be the plaintiff .
28 It must not be forgotten that if the wife or third party is assuming the mortgage debt , so that the husband is released , the amount of the debt assumed in addition to the cash consideration will be subject to stamp duty ( Stamp Act 1891 , s57 ) .
29 In analysing these figures , which are detailed in Tables 2 and 3 , below , it must not be forgotten that since the Survey was conducted in summer , the proportion of visitors from outside Edinburgh will be higher than at other times of the year .
30 It should not be felt that selling overseas is such a specialist and complex area that the uninitiated must for ever be excluded , or that membership can only be purchased at the expense of having very costly specialist services .
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