Example sentences of "[modal v] not [be] [conj] the " in BNC.

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1 First , that the appeal with which the Board is concerned is that brought by special leave from the decision of Barnett J. Secondly , whilst their Lordships fully understand why the Court of Appeal should have wished to state its opinion on the questions argued , any observations concerning the merits of an appeal which should not be before the court must necessarily be extra-judicial .
2 However , puberty affects values and beliefs so much that it may not be until the mid-twenties that we can ask realistically what career priorities a person has .
3 As he went to the net , he raised one finger in the air as if to acknowledge the banners that proclaimed him No 1 — he might not be but the way he played last night he could be again soon .
4 We could n't believe he could not be but the heart abnormalities were all there . ’
5 It need not be if the authorities do not acknowledge a responsibility for control of inflation or if they believe that exchange rates ( just like changes in wage rates , or indirect taxes ) do not influence inflation but rather have their effect on relative prices .
6 But the ground of the complaint would not be that the giraffe 's right to self determination was being thwarted , as we would say of a human being in a cage , but the general distaste at the conviction that the animal must be suffering severe discomfort .
7 Of course , a rule permitting the directors to defend the company from a poorly-managed predator would be perfectly coherent ( and might be desirable ) , but this would not be because the entity has an intrinsic significance that merits protection , but rather because the rule would serve the rational purpose of protecting the interests of groups other than the shareholders who would be adversely affected by a change in control .
8 Well , to me running costs would n't be and the cost of towards borrowing a house is the same way you know .
9 Kohlberg 's dilemmas are not about real people — they ca n't be if the aim of the research is to discover objective principles of justice .
10 The 4th looks ominous , although it probably wo n't be until the Sun is close to Pluto on the 14th and superbly aspected by your ruler Mars on the 19th that anything happens .
11 The market research group reckons it wo n't be until the second half of next year that Unix will achieve the degree of functionality needed to match proprietary systems as viable , enterprise-wide server platform , ESP .
12 Christmas will be in the Falklands the new year in the pacific … their welcome home wo n't be until the spring of 1995
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