Example sentences of "[modal v] have be [vb pp] to " in BNC.

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1 Neither viewpoint is absolute , but some reference should have been made to several recent studies of evolutionary rates in the Pleistocene mammals of Europe .
2 Finally , the question arises whether this application should have been made to the Court of Appeal .
3 He said arrangements should have been made to actually take him to a medical officer and said he should not have been allowed to leave Comber and Newtownabbey RUC stations when he called that day .
4 Had I been a few feet nearer the bomb I should have been blown to pieces — had I been a few feet further away I should have been cut to pieces by shrapnel .
5 Such suicides are nearly always preventable and many of those in despair should have been moved to hospital for treatment or received active medical help while in prison .
6 Everything she had thrown in Luke 's direction should have been transferred to Rob , really .
7 He was n't shocked by what he had been told ; he was astonished that it should have been said to him by his own daughter .
8 It was argued that he should have been sentenced to a term of detention in a young offender institution , and that he did not qualify for a custodial sentence for that purpose under Criminal Justice Act 1982 , s.1(4) and 1(4A) .
9 It is grossly unfair that she should have been sentenced to life having been provoked by her partner over a period into killing him .
10 Why Letcombe should have been sentenced to death is as much a mystery now as it was then .
11 We know that each of these groups contained a small minority of emigres , and that the Cossack Cavalry Corps in addition contained nearly 1000 Germans who , under the 1929 Geneva Convention on PoWs , should have been repatriated to Germany .
12 The impropriety was not , it is to be assumed , the expression of this arguably valid assessment of the political talents of Messrs Maudling , Butler , and Hogg , but the fact that it should have been revealed to the general public .
13 We can well understand and sympathise with the judge 's concern that where serious injuries had been inflicted on Mr. Gilbert , who gave credible evidence implicating the appellant , the prosecution case should have been prejudiced by inappropriately calling a witness who should have been tendered to the defence .
14 Errors , such as indexers assigning unsuitable terms to concepts or omitting relationships , will affect precision by producing unsuitable documents in response to a search ; on the other hand , the same documents will fail to be identified when a search is conducted under the terms which should have been assigned to the document , thus reducing recall .
15 So yo , so you 're saying that it should have been explained to the man from West Calder that that 's the sort of , er level of charges he 'd had to pay and if he did n't want to pay it he should have taken a different house ?
16 The shout made Peter unbalanced , he grabbed at the eagle which should have been fixed to the stone .
17 At this stage the actual response categories may not have been considered in detail , but if the questions themselves justify inclusion some thought should have been given to the response categories envisaged for analysis since it is the answers which will be analysed .
18 More time should have been given to expert uncertainties and disagreements about the nature of the disease ( reviewed as recently as last October by Solomon Snyder in The Lancet .
19 Instead , it can be argued that more attention should have been given to services and small-scale manufacturing .
20 The second is that this form was not served on him , although it was undoubtedly served on the governor of the prison where he was detained on 3 July and should have been given to Mr. Butler .
21 I suggest that the Hon. Gentleman goes to Holyhead and explains that in his view the priority should have been given to the television studios and not to Holyhead .
22 ‘ More thought should have been given to the announcement , ’ added Tom .
23 What had gone awry , that he should have been led to this pass , and even now he felt himself following , perforce , the twists of his fortune , headlong as a fall , when he should have been steering his own course and bearing them strongly with him ?
24 Had I been a few feet nearer the bomb I should have been blown to pieces — had I been a few feet further away I should have been cut to pieces by shrapnel .
25 She should have been sent to prison .
26 Alison believes the letter should have been sent to the person who caused the crash and the local authority should have made every effort to see this was done .
27 Tonight Cindy said she thought the doctors should have been sent to prison for a longer term .
28 Cos there 's millions and millions of pounds that the revenue have got rushing about which should have been repaid to er investors .
29 Well I I think its , the way that the plaintiff puts the case on that point my Lord is that even if the defendant Mr took the view er that it would not have been proper for such a notice to be served , in view of what the plaintiff was saying to him about his wish to get out of the contract , the fact that it was available to him should have been brought to his attention and then as Mr was saying that I sorry I do n't feel I can do this on your behalf because it 's not proper in the circumstances or whatever erm , should then have gone on to advise the plaintiff either to do it himself or to go and seek independent advice .
30 It seems to me quite inappropriate that 2¾ hours of investigation and oral evidence should have been devoted to the hearing of the interim application on 29 November 1991 .
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