Example sentences of "[modal v] have [been] good for " in BNC.

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1 Yet it should have been better for , needing only to hit the 18th green with a sand wedge he went into a bunker , failed to get up and down and ended with a bogey five .
2 Life should have been good for Pamela Wray .
3 Sam could sing and play the concertina and violin , and he must have been good for the BBC to come all the way to Baldersdale to find him .
4 It might have been better for Butler to have set reason apart from the whole hierarchy of conscience , self love , benevolence , and particular passions and allotted it the role of ascribing different degrees of authority to each , that is , of saying how they ought to relate to each other mutually .
5 In hindsight , it might have been better for him to have taken up the offer .
6 Do n't you think that perhaps it might have been better for the oil companies to have perhaps done more at an earlier stage , in the the safety side of things ?
7 Ninety one balls and one four , and not a typical DaSilva innings and one does wonders whether in the end it might have been better for Sri Lanka to play at a more natural game .
8 It might have been good for the dockies , but it were n't no good for the lighterman .
9 I 'm not saying I 'd have been good for him or him for me , but it did provide a link in a chain that was to tie me to glory in the Open .
10 Although the British Government ruled out the prospect of the US company buying Austin Rover , within days of it leaking out that talks had been taking place , Bob Lutz , Ford of Europe chairman , said : ‘ I honestly believe it would have been best for Britain . ’
11 For it would have been better for us to serve the Egyptians than to die in the wilderness . ’
12 It would have been better for it to have a uniformly brown plumage .
13 Perhaps it would have been better for them if they had gone straight to hostels or agricultural training camps .
14 It would have been better for her to have an abortion , but by the time she told her mother it was too late , so she kept the baby .
15 It would have been better for Andrewes ’ literary reputation , and far better for the history of the next reign if he had not done so .
16 Grandmother used to say that if it had been possible to take their personalities and shake them together a bit it would have been better for both of them .
17 I could not understand why Hindley , who hated him , would want his company , and I felt sure it would have been better for all of us if Heathcliff had never come back .
18 If these seem relatively modest benefits , it is perhaps more useful to consider whether a more radical and comprehensive anti-monopoly policy would have been better for society .
19 Maybe it would have been better for me otherwise !
20 Perhaps it would have been better for the apple if it had never had ideas above its station , if it had never started carrying around so much symbolic baggage .
21 It will always be the case that it would have been better for one of the counterparties not to have taken out the forward contract but to have waited and transacted in the spot or cash market at the time called for delivery .
22 It would have been better for employers and workpeople if they had been in the disciplinary grip of machinery …
23 It would have been better for them to be dead .
24 15 March 1986 : A Ford takeover of Austin Rover would have been good for Britain , according to a top Ford executive .
25 Decide now what you really wanted to do , and what , with hindsight , would have been good for you to do or have .
26 So I doubt if our hero would have been good for many heroics after swigging that .
27 That would have been good for Britain , for employment , for British Airways , for British Aerospace and for Rolls-Royce .
28 You would have thought it would have been good for them .
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