Example sentences of "[modal v] have [vb pp] during the " in BNC.

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1 Step 3 : Test the model resulting from step 2 for artificial constraints and any misstatements of logic and produce a new cost and time model representing what should have happened during the performance of the contract .
2 Danish interest in conquering England , if indulged by Harald at all , must have lapsed during the fatal quarrel with his son Swegen .
3 Everything was checked and locked up and it must have gone during the late night or early morning , Thursday night/Friday morning .
4 Mr Davies said : ‘ The park is closed from 10pm so the vandals must have arrived during the night . ’
5 And try and personalise it , I do n't mind if you refer to any information that you might have gathered during the evening , a bit like I did with Andrew .
6 Unofficial estimates varied wildly , with some experts suggesting that as many as 100,000 or 150,000 Iraqis might have died during the war .
7 And it is deeply revealing that recent scholarly research into what tribal art he could have encountered during the time of his first enthusiasm for it has demonstrated that he could not have seen most of the examples which art historians have previously compared and juxtaposed to his paintings.1
8 The opening descriptions in the livret of Les nopces de village appear to suggest a similar procession , which could have occurred during the overture , a binary movement in triple metre that precedes the reçit in the musical sources .
9 It does seem to me an extraordinary catalogue of errors erm and one can well understand how errors take p er could , could have occurred during the somewhat co chaotic passage of the Railways Bill er what , what can not be understood and what is quite inexcusable is , is the fact that no steps adequate steps have been taken to correct those errors and to assure the er continued existence of a er Transport Police which er h h has the sole responsibility for er policing large public spaces in , in this country and er as the Noble Lord has made clear , er does it honour er very considerable scale , very effectively er I hope that the Minister will find it possible to make a favourable reply to the arguments which have been raised .
10 Despite these efforts , erosion losses remain excessive and may have increased during the 1970s [ and this trend ] may continue indefinitely into the future . ’
11 The student may want to find out more about the kind of parts he/she may play in the future , or indeed may have played during the time already spent at drama school .
12 Even people who claim to remember dreams every morning only recall their most recent dream , and any dreams they may have had during the two or three REM periods earlier in the night , or even during REM sleep , are completely lost .
13 Dreams and desires may have changed during the reform decade , but the conditions of society had not altered accordingly .
14 For example , the child 's home experiences may have changed during the same period , thus helping or hindering language development , or the fact that the child is older during the second time period may influence language performance .
15 Seated in the midst of an elegant and well-informed audience , my stomach would have erupted during the opening bars of Dvorak 's Humoresque …
16 So how confident are you that potential adversaries will not have the capability in two thousand and twenty to make a mess of our runways as the Soviets would have done during the er the cold war ?
17 Her make-up she had purposely applied slightly more heavily than she would have done during the day , silver-grey shadow adding emphasis to her eyes , a touch of blusher for her cheeks , lipstick .
18 At the Imperial War Museum , wartime historians have recreated a London street as it would have looked during the Blitz .
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