Example sentences of "[modal v] be the first [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Being undemanding as to most conditions this should be the first choice of every aquarist .
2 As it is so undemanding and adaptable to many conditions , it should be the first choice of any aquarist .
3 Boarding out ( or fostering ) has been practised for many years and the Curtis Committee on the care of children strongly urged that this should be the first choice in finding substitute homes .
4 He managed furthermore discreetly to put into circulation the audacious proposal that he should be the first Governor-General of the two independent states .
5 Gaitskell became excited at the prospect and instructed me with great firmness that as soon as I had received the ‘ discovered ’ documents I was to show them to no one but to come straight to him , so that he should be the first person to know who the culprit was or what information was available that would lead to the culprit 's identity .
6 From clinical and economic viewpoints a careful abdominal examination should be the first assessment of a vomiting child .
7 Mistakes made by confusing and mixing units are very prevalent , so this conversion should be the first part of the answer to the question ; it should not be done on scraps of paper .
8 The main point was that English should be the first priority in a society where English is the working language .
9 By contrast , I make it clear that Labour believes it is right and just and should be the first priority for pensioners to get an increase of £5 a week for a single pensioner and £8 a week for a married couple , given the mean and miserable way in which they have been treated over the past decade .
10 It is recommended , though not compulsory , that the package module should be the first entry in the Module Relations section , so that it is easy to find and update .
11 Individualism is by no means to be deprecated , but cohesiveness should be the first aim of an attacking line . ’
12 In view of nil mortality , low morbidity , and the high success rate , we feel that dilatation should be the first line of treatment for these patients .
13 The supplementary guidance said too : ‘ The group should also take account of the ethnic diversity of the school population and society at large , bearing in mind the cardinal point that English should be the first language and medium of instruction for all pupils in England . ’
14 It is not surprising , either , that the cotton industry of Lancashire should be the first industry to feel the full effects of the application of machinery to production .
15 I am not attempting to lay down the law , but simply wish to voice my opinion that ethics should be the first guideline of those dealing with public resources .
16 I persuaded my mother that I should be the first visitor ; after all , I knew Parma better than she did , and since I was a young girl they might treat me more kindly .
17 A smile and a firm handshake accompanied by your announcement of who you are , where your should be the first impression that you make .
18 In emergencies , such as a burst pipe or major leak , turning off the stopcock should be the first thing you do even if it has no immediate effect .
19 Even in 1893 when the Manchester , Sheffield and Lincolnshire Railway had opened its extension to London as the GCR , it was the wish of the Chairman , Sir Edward Watkin , that this should be the first stage of a connection to the Channel Tunnel if ever it was built .
20 The Autumn Statement , and the interest rate cut that should accompany it , should be the first light of a new economic dawn .
21 ‘ A healthy situation should be the first object that ought to fix the attention of the Society — because there is no person but is very well convinced that a marshy and low Ground exhales very unwholesome and putrid vapours which affect the bodies of individuals that may be exposed to their action either through the pores or attracted by the breath , or otherways by the Food and Drink — if these particles will affect healthy bodies , their effect must be much more pernicious on diseased animals , therefore the Veterinary Infirmary should not be established in an atmosphere continually charged with particles destructive to health .
22 He will recall that , when British Rail proposed that Waterloo should be the first channel tunnel station , not only did it say that one station was sufficient and that it did not need a second one but , in the case which it put to the House of Lords during the discussions , it said specifically that King 's Cross was not an appropriate location for a second station .
23 This must be the first year when new rock boot models have n't been coming out of everyone 's ears .
24 Somebody here observed that it must be the first Life on somebody so reclusive and how therefore did the programme-makers manage to find enough guests ?
25 The only way to solve the problem is to iron out the effect of fluctuations , and this therefore must be the first objective of a computerised system .
26 To keep the family together must be the first aim , and the separation of the child from its parents can only be justified when there is no possibility of securing adequate care for that child in his own home .
27 This must be the first review ever to end with a load of balls !
28 You must be the first tourist in years .
29 It must be the first time ever in the Five Nations Championship that two referees have dropped out of the opening games , with England 's Ed Morrison missing the Ireland v Wales game through a rib injury , and Yours Truly having to watch the England v Ireland game on television through a ‘ flu virus .
30 Labour MP Brian Wilson quipped : ‘ It must be the first time Maggie 's had trouble getting people to sign on .
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