Example sentences of "[modal v] be [vb pp] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It should be noted that visualization of centromeres and the central element of the SC is not usually possible in silver-stained preparations .
2 In fact such behaviour constitutes an act of discrimination and it should be noted that discrimination on the grounds of nationality , for example giving a preference to British goods as opposed to French goods rather than treating them on their merits , is an offence under Article 7 of the Rome Treaty .
3 It should be noted that detail arrangements describing the procedural framework for managing and processing capital building schemes are available for use in the health service .
4 It should be noted that layout A is completed to a more utilitarian standard : a gelcoat finish is left on the inside of the hull and underside of the deck in both forward and after cabins , in place of the strip teak ceiling and foam-backed vinyl in layout B.
5 In conclusion it should be noted that power already exists to utilise delegated legislation to go a good deal of the way along the road proposed by the Royal Commission .
6 It should be noted that access to files within VMS directories and hence the performance of LIFESPAN when accessing charge codes can be significantly hampered if the number of contained files becomes very large .
7 He also ordered that the file should be transferred to Kingston and that meanwhile the wife ( who was the respondent to the motion ) should be granted interim custody of the child .
8 The court ordered that the mother should be granted interim custody and the court ordered interim access to the child to the father ; that access to be alternative weekends in Kingston but not in the presence of the husband 's mistress or son .
9 He ordered that the petitioner husband should be granted interim access to the child , which he defined as every other weekend in Kingston from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m .
10 The letters should convey concern about the critical state of Daw Aung San Suu Kyi 's health , urge that she should be granted free access to a doctor of her choice , and appeal for her immediate and unconditional release .
11 At the close of the hearing before the Judicial Committee Lord Templeman announced that their Lordships would advise that the petitioner should be granted special leave to appeal for reasons to be delivered later .
12 In respect of UK membership of the EC it should be recalled that Article 3(f) of the Treaty of Rome provides for ‘ the institution of a system ensuring that competition in the common market is not distorted ’ .
13 It should be emphasized that equation ( 6.7 ) is the result obtained from an ordinary least-squares ( OLS ) regression of actual monetary growth , , on the variables on the right hand-side .
14 Whilst a final version of the Advanced Computing Environment 's hardware specification is now being printed , more interesting , hears Electronic News , is that the common application programming interface for Unix SVR4 and OSF/1 operating systems should be completed this month .
15 WORK should be completed this week on safety measures being put in place on a busy road outside an infants school where a crossing patrol was axed .
16 Whether patients who relapse should be treated long term with a fixed or titrable dose or six month courses for each episode of relapse remains to be elucidated in future studies .
17 Its fifty-three recommendations included the extension and enforcement of state regulation of environmental health conditions such as overcrowding , smoke pollution , provision of open spaces , control over the distribution of food and the handling of milk ; work conditions should be improved , over-fatigue prevented ; mothers should be taught proper childcare and girls instructed in cookery and dietetics ; adult drinking and juvenile smoking should be curbed ; the state should encourage physical training and exercise ; there should be an adequate system of school medical inspection and a state-sponsored system of school feeding .
18 As regards property , it should be noticed that law and practice , to a large extent , make it unlikely that property of any considerable value will come into the direct ownership of an infant .
19 The unemployed should be given such work , he said , adding that at present , Poland lacked the expertise , equipment and finance to deal with environmental decay .
20 He 's the last guy in the world who should be given such power .
21 I would enter a plea that I have often made that the street officer 's authority … and discretion should be given better recognition .
22 The size of the weighting factor can be chosen to reflect the importance we attach to an objective , but the use of this linear form implicitly assumes that the weights should be independent of the solution and does not permit one to model , for example , the proposal that profits should be given higher priority relative to exports when profits are low than when they are high .
23 If immediate cerebral computed tomography is available it may be used before lumbar puncture , although the patient should be given broad spectrum antibiotics first .
24 There is thus a rule of construction that if a provision in an Act of Parliament of the United Kingdom is ambiguous , it should be given that interpretation which is consistent with international obligations rather than one which conflicts ( Inland Revenue Commissioners v Collco Dealings Ltd [ 1962 ] AC 11 ; similarly , there is some authority for seeking to protect fundamental constitutional statutes from unintentional repeals ( see , e.g. , per Lord Wilberforce in The Earl of Antrim 's Petition [ 1967 ] 1 AC 691 ) If , however , such devices do not evade the problem , then traditional notions of the sovereignty of the United Kingdom Parliament require that any provision in any later statute which is inconsistent with any earlier provision repeals the latter to the extent of any inconsistency , whether declared or intended to have this effect or not ( Vauxhall Estates Ltd v Liverpool Corporation [ 1932 ] 1 KB 733 ; Ellen Street Estates Ltd v Minister of Health [ 1934 ] 1 KB 590 ) .
25 Because I I do know of of various different groups who are working in this field as volunteers , there 's no money behind them there , and I mean i i it should be a priority , it should be given that kind of priority where
26 He therefore proposed that they should be given increased representation in Legislative Councils and that they should be admitted to the administrative services .
27 They state that when terminally-ill patients who are still able to make decisions , request a doctor 's help to die , such requests for active termination of life by a medical act , which directly and intentionally causes death , may be morally justifiable and should be given serious consideration .
28 Sincerely though I respect the wish of hon. Members on both sides of the House to ensure that their constituents can benefit from access to the channel tunnel — I have no desire to stand in the way of their efforts to make that wish come true — I urge that the interests of my constituents , who will have to put up with untold misery for an extended eight-year period , should be given closer consideration than BR has given them hitherto .
29 A girl-friendly approach , on the other hand , sees girls inhabiting a different ( not deprived ) culture , which should be given equal value in school .
30 Nevertheless , they are given equal prominence in the New Testament , and should be given equal weight as images of God .
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