Example sentences of "[modal v] be [verb] at [art] " in BNC.

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1 Parish councillors agreed that danger notices should be erected at the pond site .
2 — ‘ On this occasion the court ordered that the case should be heard at the end of August 1991 .
3 Please note that the legislation requires that all of the placing request appeals for one particular school should be heard at the same meeting .
4 Brent magistrates have ruled that the case against Guinness Brewing Worldwide , its technical manager and a consultant working for the company following a fatal accident at Park Royal Brewery last year should be heard at the Crown Court .
5 It should be noted at the outset what is the nature of the problem with which we are concerned .
6 The knees should be pointing at the same angle as the toes .
7 Rather than looking for deviations from pattern , perhaps one should be looking at the patterns produced by the modes of rationality which agents typically find it conventional to construct .
8 Perhaps we should be looking at the mental state not of individuals but of society as a whole .
9 Chairman you 've got to allow me because by the time I 've finished you wo n't be able to stop me , er , but I mean if there 's a lot of money floating about in this area then I think that er , some committee or other should be looking at the the refurbishment of the courts in Devizes which are a disgrace , and partly the fault of this council when th they were allowed to get into such a state , and I mean at some stage or other , something or else is gon na to have to happen to them and I would hope that the magistrates in their wisdom in some committee or other are , are deciding to take these courts back into use .
10 I do support this , which is Michael 's resolution because we should be looking at the financial costs and er going into the practical aspects of this and let's , let's face it er there are many aspects which are financially unviable and we should be aware of exactly where we stand on that .
11 They should be looking at the number of guns held illegally . ’
12 And he wants to , at the very least I think it 's reasonable to say , he wants to influence the Communist Party that , that this is the way you should be looking at the world and it , it is different to the way you were looking at it .
13 The beginner should be looking at an initial purchase of one sail to allow them to learn in light winds of up to force two .
14 The off , all officers of the club should be elected at the A G M , which would be held on a .
15 All officers of the club should be elected at the A G M.
16 In those circumstances , the point had clearly been reached when the court should be prepared , in W. 's own interests , to overrule her refusal to consent to treatment , and we therefore ordered that she should be treated at the appropriate London unit .
17 However , not merely was there a conflict of medical evidence , but even Dr. D. , upon whose opinion Thorpe J. eventually based his decision , described W. as having ‘ a mild case of anorexia nervosa ’ and that although he ( Dr. D. ) had eventually come round to the view that W. should be treated at the specialist London unit , the decision was quite finely balanced .
18 However , as I have said , by the time the case was before us W. 's condition had changed so drastically that , whatever may have been the previous position , the court would have been in dereliction of its duty had it not overridden W. 's wishes and effectively confirmed the order made by Thorpe J. that W. should be treated at the specialist London unit .
19 Immediately after issue , debt should be stated at the amount of the net proceeds .
20 In the consolidated balance sheet , the investment should be stated at the carrying amount under the equity method at that date , ie 30% of net assets .
21 Whatever the purpose of the meeting , it should be stated at the outset and adhered to .
22 He suggested that a start to answering these questions should be made at a 35-nation European summit , under the auspices of the Conference on Security and Co-operation in Europe , which the Soviet Union has suggested be brought forward towards the end of next year .
23 Application for a grant should be made at the same time as the application for an audition in order that you can be sure of your position should you be fortunate enough to be offered a place .
24 Enquiries about the social fund , ( Page 2 ) income support ( Page 2 ) and fuel direct ( Page 8 ) should be made at the local office of the Department of Social Security .
25 Decisions should be made at the outset on what is to be covered in the programme .
26 It requires that such transfers should be made at the lower of cost and net realisable value at the date of transfer .
27 Three points should be made at the outset .
28 The two following drills illustrate this , the first one being an example from Dusun ( Philippines ) : A general principle is that substitution should be made at the trouble spot or as near the trouble spot as possible .
29 We must implement the principle of ‘ subsidiarity ’ , that decisions should be made at the appropriate level whether that is local , regional , national or European .
30 In the case of a buy-out , disclosure should be made at the first board meeting at which the proposed buy-out is considered , and should be made to the full board and not to a committee of it .
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