Example sentences of "[modal v] [adv] have [be] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Later that week we were given a first indication that the previous three ‘ greenhouse ’ winters may merely have been within the normal climatic variations and that a better season may be on its way , when the first Pitztal race was cancelled due to extreme cold !
2 Why , Edward wondered , did Brackenbury speak yesterday of being off-duty on Thursday when he must already have been on the point of resigning his post ?
3 Even if he added some new music for the revival , all the rest must already have been on paper for the premiere .
4 He hurried back to the Limousin and completed a piece of business , negotiations for which must already have been in train .
5 One of the most important impacts of The Brow should thus have been on the content and dissemination of subsequent official guidance on residential road layout .
6 If I had been of the view , which I am not , that it was open to the rule making authority , whether by accident or design , in any way to remove powers which the Act has given to the court , I should still have been of opinion that the judge had the powers which he clearly wished to have .
7 He had been moving slowly , and the street was dark … but he should still have been in view … should n't he ?
8 He tried to visualize its brown wooden bottom — he could not — there must still have been at least one sheet there .
9 ‘ I should have realized at once — that Frenchman who was killed , the same poison must still have been on the skin of his attackers , and it would almost certainly still have been strong enough to affect him as well !
10 But of course , Agnes realised , Sims — or whoever he 'd been born — must once have been on the far side of The Wall , too .
11 As for our own species , the oldest evidence , going back to possibly about 35,000 BC , reveals that the dead were not only equipped with weapons , tools , and ornaments but also with food , which must often have been in short supply among the living .
12 It was an insignificant point in its way , for Harry knew from Marjorie Mallender that Clare had met Minter whilst at Oxford — he must simply have been at another college — yet somehow his faith in his own reasoning was undermined .
13 Something like the last few sentences must however have been at least a part of Tolkien 's intention .
14 You should previously have been in charge of a small cruiser for at least two weeks ( perhaps on a two week flotilla ) , and you should be confident reefing your mainsail or paddling your rubber dinghy in strong winds .
15 ‘ Well , I did not , and I must actually have been in the gardens .
16 ‘ Now I find out he should never have been on the road .
17 Andy overtook a container lorry , the kind of thing that should never have been on that road , and hit a Volvo estate car coming in the opposite direction .
18 Mr Gowans explained O'Connor should never have been on the beat .
19 Ivan Foster took the unexpected but reasonable position of arguing that sabbatarianism should never have been in the manifesto : ‘ I do not believe that that particular one is something for parties to legislate on .
20 She 's very , very disturbed , and should never have been in prison .
21 He should never have been in prison .
22 Religion must certainly have been at the forefront of his mind when , shooting the sharks , he twice looked death directly in the face .
23 Thus , the byrnies of 1008 might alone have been worth £50,000 — £60,000 , a greater sum than any hitherto paid to the raiders .
24 What Eileen had done , of course , when she reached the stage in her life when she might naturally have been considering starting a family , was subconsciously to ‘ invent ’ her illness in order that she might be spared the horrors of it all .
25 This conservatism was arguably excessive , given the subsequent relatively trouble-free experience of most of the innovations in power station design which might realistically have been on the agenda at this time .
26 And we might , might well have been on that train that had the crash .
27 Once the ability to create symbolic signals and rearrange them was in place , individuals that accomplished this more effectively might well have been at an advantage over those who did it less effectively in terms of all the benefits that come from co-operation .
28 MARK ROE might well have been behind the TV cameras at the GA European Open , but at the Lancome Trophy he was back in his rightful place — on our screens .
29 It might well have been in the mind of the Cloud-author when he appealed to his disciple as a weary wretch , sleeping in sloth , and deaf to the calling of the disturbingly dynamic love of God .
30 The suspect in Jones , reported at [ 1984 ] Crim.LR. 357 and decided before PACE came into force , might well have been within the class of persons now entitled to this special protection .
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