Example sentences of "[modal v] [adv] [verb] [pn reflx] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 At the present time the Tribunal may only concern itself with the modification and discharge of restrictive covenants , therefore only the restrictive obligations contained in the agreement .
2 Whilst sailing in surf you should always keep an eye out for these sets since if you do n't you may suddenly find yourself amongst the larger waves whose ‘ rinse cycles ’ are considerably more vigorous than that of a washing machine .
3 In order to do justice to the Jesus of history , one must effectively divest oneself of preconceptions — and especially of the preconceptions fostered by subsequent tradition .
4 In Zimbabwe today , education must fundamentally orient itself towards the revolutionary transformation now taking place in many spheres of our society .
5 Lord Wilberforce 's statement in Tameside , that the decision-maker should properly direct himself to the facts , provides a good example of one aspect of factual review which would allow the courts great latitude for substituting their view for that of the decision-maker .
6 Private behaviour was viewed by the Committee as the personal and private responsibility of the individual , and the law , it was argued , should only concern itself with those activities which constituted offences against ‘ public order and decency ’ .
7 But if only now is it God 's intention that they also be admitted to orders , women must necessarily see themselves as some kind of secondary citizens .
8 The military bureaucracy must constantly justify itself by discovering' military threats to US security , which do not , in reality , exist .
9 Any organisation that wants to survive and succeed must constantly question itself about how it operates , whether it has the right balance of products/skills and — most important of all — whether it is actually providing what its customers want .
10 Derrida argues that though history is given the form of a totality by Hegel , his Aufhebung shows that in order to achieve that totality it must constantly transcend itself in a movement of excess .
11 Human being must ongoingly externalize itself in activity .
12 it will attempt to establish that there is one human history , with one truth and one intelligibility — not by considering the material content of this history , but by demonstrating that a practical multiplicity , whatever it may be , must unceasingly totalise itself through interiorizing its multiplicity at all levels .
13 but less superficially it is a fact that Christian truth is not to be equated with our formulations of it and we must always satisfy ourselves with pointers to it .
14 However frightening a panic attack may be we must always remind ourselves of one fact : none of the symptoms of a panic attack can harm us .
15 To maintain rapport in a postal survey we must always put ourselves in the position of the respondent .
16 My Lords , I er apologise first of all that I was not able to hear some of the earlier speeches in this Debate erm but it does seem to me a most interesting Debate and I have to confess that I always become slightly uneasy er when the great and the good , and I suppose we should collectively cast ourselves in that role of being the great and good of the establishment are all of one view and I wonder whether it is necessarily right and so I begin to question er whether your Lordships enthusiasm for many of these amendments and their attack upon the Government 's proposals is necessarily as soundly based as we might think if we just listen to casually to it all .
17 It must further concern itself with the ways in which , within social life , ‘ culture ’ and ‘ cultural production ’ are socially identified and distinguished .
18 A sociology of culture must further concern itself with the processes of social and cultural ‘ reproduction ’ .
19 With these qualities they well be fully prepared for the big trial , but they must also know themselves in the deepest sense — ‘ to be in touch ’ , as Scott frequently mentions , ‘ with that critical inner voice . ’
20 But then a sociology of culture must also concern itself with the social relations of its specific means of production .
21 The planning sub-committee of Buckinghamshire county council , which meets on Monday to consider the scheme , must inevitably confine itself to the planning application before it , and the planning issues arising from it .
22 ‘ We must now bring ourselves into line with England and only play international matches on nights when they , too , have games .
23 The West must now steel itself for military action in Bosnia
24 The Cheltenham Conservative Association must now address itself to recovering our council from the Liberal Democrats which dominate it , and on putting the John Taylor affair behind us .
25 Members do not have to renounce their allegiance to other religions : they must simply pledge themselves to further the aims of the goddess , which could be summarised broadly as feminist , ecological and back-to-the-earth .
26 The amendments agreed in December 1988 duly provided that while the Council of the Union should concentrate upon economic , diplomatic and other matters affecting the USSR as a whole , the Council of Nationalities should particularly concern itself with the interests of all ethnic groups within the framework of the Soviet multinational state .
27 Is it open for parties to the Statute to decide that other States should either commit themselves to the Statute ( by complying with the Security Council conditions ) or be denied access to the Court , or must the agreement of all non-party States be obtained ?
28 despite the now fashionable equation of knowledge with " science " , the average undergraduate , whatever his special intellectual bent , still demanded that a university should primarily concern itself with giving him a liberal education .
29 First and foremost has been the belief that the European Economic Community should primarily concern itself with economic matters .
30 He means that the rationale that an ad must actually justify itself in terms of products sold does not march well with the unbuttoned creativity celebrated at Grosvenor House .
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