Example sentences of "[modal v] [adv] [verb] them [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ We should perhaps remind them of the dangers they run , provoking us to … retaliate ? ’
2 a boxing promoter who reckons you should only wear them for er n evenings , obviously .
3 This does not make them invalid : one should merely put them in their appropriate context .
4 They should all have them from a similar area because most of the time they say oh well they live so far away
5 We must protect children from abuse of this type but we must also protect them from abuse by the system .
6 ‘ To fulfil our commitment to our clients we must also support them with spare parts and a full technical service .
7 Science and the Renewal of Belief does not duck the obvious but difficult questions — as an Anglican lay minister , Professor Stannard must often meet them at grass roots .
8 Almost all outstandingly creative people are high in assessed IQ , a fact which must surely protect them to some extent from mental breakdown , both directly and indirectly , in the first case , by providing them with more flexible psychological resources to cope with stress and , in the second , by enabling them to make socially valued contributions that strengthen self-esteem .
9 LEFT Once the basic lessons have been mastered with the dog on its leash , you should then repeat them without this restraint .
10 If evidence and procedure are among the subjects available to you at the University , you should either include them in your course or , at least , attend the lectures as an extra .
11 Children have voracious appetites for authenticity , but in drama we should never intimidate them with factual information .
12 It was an opportunity , which they should value , and should certainly help them in their career choices . ’
13 I may tell lies all my life if it 's expedient but I must know them for what they are and I must never tell them to myself .
14 ‘ You must never use them in attack , only defence . ’
15 During the initial development of root definitions these factors should be considered in systems terms only , otherwise the analyst may just relate them to the subject organisation , overlooking other individuals or groups who contribute to the system as defined .
16 ‘ You 'll only need them for your school work , ’ her mother reassured her , also trying to talk herself out of her own dismay .
17 What a waste of time , cos he 'll only sell them for things he
18 football match tomorrow I thought , well I 'm not posting his blooming cards , I 'm , I 'll just hand them to him and if at sometime you 're stuck for a
19 I 'll just do them through here .
20 If you do n't fold them up I 'll just toss them on the cart like I do the rags .
21 I 'll just put them in the bag cos I 've locked the door .
22 I 'll just put them in there .
23 Well I 'll just put them in there .
24 Try leaving the salt out when cooking vegetables — you 'll soon prefer them without
25 In the meantime , he has given the socialists a much-needed shot in the arm which might just save them from the total disaster they were expecting next month .
26 In the meantime , he has given the Socialists a much-needed shot in the arm which might just save them from the total disaster they were expecting next month .
27 ‘ Basic computer keyboard skills have to be there — we would n't want to go the lengths of having to train them on that — but training on our specialist software means bringing them in for a week and we 'll probably bring them in every three months to keep updating them . ’
28 I 'll probably give them to my dad , as I do with most my clothes when I 've finished with them .
29 Those people whose names you 've just , you 've given me their details from , could I ask you er if the next time you see them if it 's within the next few days or certainly erm if , if you could over the next day or two give them a ring just to let them know that I do intend to contact them , I 'll probably contact them within the next week or so .
30 He 'll probably take them over the Carron and put them into the coille torr , the forest there , for the night .
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