Example sentences of "[modal v] [prep] be [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 When Stephanie 's mother died we found in the bungalow a watch , it must of been given I would of thought to her father probably for his twenty first and I took it to a jewellers in Elton , well that 's all he does is watches actually apart from jewellery .
2 Then the mesh , she told Sally the next time she saw her , I 'm sorry I made that mistake about you having a sister she said to Sally , I 've written to tell mother you 've said you have n't one she must of been mistaken what your mother said .
3 Could of been using me French
4 Both countries have managed to become the most visibly successful economies in what used to be called their respective ‘ blocs ’ .
5 Yes , well up here in Scotland er where I live erm the maincrop variety Golden Wonder tends to certainly need a par boiling and a par boiling only er when cooking so it needs about what five to six minutes or something like that but erm any more and the tatties go to mash and er that 's why I think a lot of the Golden Wonders er in Scotland are cooked in their skins but erm if I was to go for a variety that er I enjoy would be one called Pentland Ivory , it 's a , a nice flowery spud er and you get quite a plentiful supply of them too so it 's quite a good variety but you know the old Kerr 's Pink used to be called I think Henry 's Seedling , I remember rightly and then it changed its name to Kerr 's Pink because Kerr was a seedsman up in who really introduced it and er that was just after the first world war and that 's a good one , that 's a very good one and it 's got that waxy skin as well you see so it might be quite useful .
6 So that is a Jacquard , and that 's an electronic Jacquard , means you can do all sorts of different patterns now , where it used to be limited it 's unlimited now .
7 It used to be said there are a lot of very prosperous , very prosperous farmers round in Melton Mowbray .
8 This was a bar that er went under the bomb like that when they fastened them up , and then when they dropped the bombs this bar was in a clip , like where me finger is , i in a clip so when they released them it dropped out of this clip the bar went as well of course , down that went down went the bomb drop bars with it used to be make them day and night and things like that and er of course there was er Bloxwich Lock and Stamping we used to do odd stamping , odd forgings and things li and er that was other part of the war work .
9 For most of the past two years , after the first cracks in the ice were heard , Eastern Europe 's future used to be seen something like this .
10 And we used to be selling them at midnight .
11 Margaret used to be working she worked nights as well
12 Yeah , she 's always been alright with me , you know , so I ca n't say about anybody else , I mean she 's already , she 's always been really nice to me , but like them people she goes around , well she used to go around with Lisa and Vicky and all that lot and when she used to go around with them she used to be bitching them off behind their back and going oh you 're my best friend , to their faces .
13 C. I used to be told I was good at English .
14 Oh yes they did for , for the increase in traffic I mean that er that er went on over the years gradually creep , creep , creep on until the whole atmosphere of the place was er I do n't know improved should you say or not I do n't know whether it 's er well it certainly has n't improved but erm it changed , it was such a lovely little place really , and of course you could run across the road whenever you liked I mean we used to play in Street of picking out in a sweet shop window er a name be Cadbury 's or chocolate or something you 'd be standing across the road and you 'd be running backwards and forwards backwards and forwards , there was no sign of anyone getting run over cos there was nothing about , and when I was a kid going to the Bluecoat School I 'd run across that bridge every morning without looking right or left , because if anything had hit me , well nothing used to be coming you could see a tram coming but oh there was nothing else at that time in the morning oh no it was , would n't like to run across today .
15 I suspect that some of the drug barons who shell out money in support of what must be a pretty costly operation regard the academically-minded staff of the OHE as a bunch of eggheads , not to say ‘ wets ’ , who ought to be earning their keep by polishing up the industry 's somewhat tarnished image , and by encouraging sales , instead of spending their time and the companies ' profits on airy-fairy projects which are n't going to rustle up a pennyworth of business .
16 Just about the time when a nome ought to be taking it easy .
17 If she knew a thing ought to be done she would really push hard . "
18 In suggesting the rule is an inalienable part of the language , Dale Spender ironically assists those she criticises in making their sexism look natural , when she ought to be exposing it as a cultural construct .
19 Perhaps he has forgotten that his lord ought to be murdering his lady just at this juncture ; or perhaps he thinks Emilia is as corrupt as himself ; or perhaps he does not understand love , The error is great , since Emilia is the only person who knows the truth about the handkerchief .
20 So it 's , if you 're in , you 've still got to think about security and you ought to be locking your doors , if you can .
21 But if they 're gon na go off they ought to be telling their parents where they 're going to go .
22 You ought to be reading your bible saying your prayers going to church and getting in touch with the boss .
23 Mm , mm its one of the great arguments from the old fashioned sort of religion , that you could turn , you could definitely turn to people and say why are you leaning on me so hard , for all this to fought , you ought to be reading your bible , saying your prayers , going to church and getting in touch with the boss why I laughed when they were saying that Terry Waite would need counselling , I bet that Terry Waite was praying his head off and he 'd memorised masses of the bible which he would be reciting to himself probably set himself two o'clock every afternoon , I remember what I can , book of you know I do n't suppose he 'd needed any counselling , he 'd probably do better counselling other people .
24 just for fun , you know but I 'm not a believer in using your fists , you ought to be using your brain to teach with but there were no there are no sanctions , if you say you must stay behind after school , you have to send a letter home and half the parents will write back and say my son or daughter is not staying after school and that is that !
25 Yet the importance attached to this scheme of distributive justice by advocates of choice theory encourages them to ignore the contradiction which we noticed above between the liberal ideal of individual autonomy and the moral paternalism of the principle that promises ought to be kept which lies at the heart of their theory of contract .
26 I felt I ought to be thinking something momentous .
27 ‘ You 've got a bloody calculator , ’ Phoebe would yell , ‘ she ought to be teaching you to think . ’
28 It 's a way of as a Council taken the position that we ought to be spending your money effectively , right .
29 ‘ As far as I could judge , he thought me an incompetent idiot who ought to be minding his own business .
30 Now , anybody who cares about the country ought to be saying what they will be doing .
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