Example sentences of "[modal v] [be] made [prep] any " in BNC.

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1 In awarding an extension of time and then , if appropriate , calculating any overheads due to be reimbursed , allowance should be made for any overheads already recouped through additional work items instructed which contributed to the extension of time .
2 Stick to moules marinière ( which should be made without any cream , though many restaurants cheat .
3 A careful note should be made against any sub-contractor used by the builder who subsequently proved to be unsatisfactory .
4 However , an extra allowance must be made for any head wind , and in poor visibility inexperienced pilots should make sure that they are close enough to keep the field in sight all the time .
5 Allowance must be made for any demands placed upon system resources by the Computer Group .
6 Preliminary decisions concerning the anticipated use of the thesaurus must be made before any work is undertaken .
7 For all errors , the necessary corrections must be made before any installations or deinstallations will be accepted .
8 For instance , Swordfish Pilaki could easily be made with halibut or cod and the Tuna Tortiglioni could be made with any other fish or indeed some ham cut into pieces .
9 A request for the consideration of the establishment of an EWC could be made by any employee , or by central management .
10 Unlike those to consultants , however , referrals could be made by any member of the primary health care team .
11 The visual ambiguity of handwriting is such that a number of possible interpretations may be made for any written word .
12 A sequence of words which ends at a point where a pause may be made without any detrimental effect to the sense of the utterance .
13 Substitutions may be made at any time without penalty .
14 Regulations may be made at any meeting .
15 Enquiries may be made at any time ( and indeed should be ! ) but applications are normally considered in April and September each year .
16 Disclosure may be made at any time between the creation of the fiduciary relationship between firm and customer and the act or omission which would otherwise constitute a breach of duty , or after the breach of duty has occurred , for example on a contract note .
17 Girls and boys who have reached their third birthday are eligible for the Nursery and applications for a Nursery place may be made at any time .
18 The notice of objection was expressly stated to be ‘ without prejudice to any challenge that may be made in any subsequent proceedings , for instance by way of an action in negligence . ’
19 An order may only be made against the legal aid fund if : ( a ) an order for costs would be made in any event ; ( b ) the proceedings were instituted by the assisted party and the unassisted party would suffer severe financial hardship unless an order were made ; and ( c ) in any case the court is satisfied that it is just and equitable for the costs to be paid out of public funds ( Legal Aid Act 1988 , s18(4) ) .
20 But no allegations would be made against any individuals , and it would be down to each authority to decide whether to make inquiries with Leicestershire police or social services .
21 Full provision shall be made for any losses in the year in which they are first foreseen .
22 the court may in accordance with law grant a dissolution of the marriage provided that the court is satisfied that adequate and proper provision having regard to the circumstances will be made for any dependant spouse and for any child of or any child who is dependent on either spouse .
23 There are no charges for maintaining any of these accounts , but charges will be made for any extra services offered , such as telegraphic transfers , drafts and money orders .
24 In addition , payments made by the Regional Council to an employee during their absence will be made without any requirement to refund any proportion from the sum awarded by the Board .
25 The £140 lowering of bills will be made before any community charge reduction or benefit .
26 Where a potable-water source is in use , great care must be exercised to ensure that no cross-connexion can be made with any other supply .
27 A file in which all the attributes are inverted , i.e. have indexes provided so that a direct search can be made on any attribute , is known as fully inverted .
28 On the other hand the production of separate leaflets can be staggered and additions and alterations can be made at any time quickly and less expensively ; and some leaflets , which require no alteration from year to year , need not be reprinted for one or two years .
29 bookings can be made at any one of our T.I.C.s .
30 It can be made at any time once an action has been raised .
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