Example sentences of "[modal v] [be] [vb pp] for a " in BNC.

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1 There are relatively few circumstances when examination of a book by a librarian can make any significant difference to whether or not the book should be selected for a library — especially so since the biggest consumers of approval collections are public libraries , who do not claim to be experts in any particular field .
2 The belief that men should be trained for a narrow role in life came to be challenged ; it was argued that they should have some knowledge of the liberal arts , the ‘ finer ’ things in life .
3 Well , people who stake their opposition to factory-farming on this kind of consideration should be prepared for a long , heated debate , with one set of ‘ experts ’ declaring that thus-and-so is true , while another declares that it is not .
4 Other Expenses BMus students should be prepared for a cost of approximately £200 per annum per instrument for private tuition in the instrumental performance or singing studies which they are required to continue during their degree course .
5 The Ground Floor should be reserved for a permanent exhibition on the work of the Garden .
6 If breaking bulk involves the transfer of potentially harmful materials to other containers provision should be made for a sink , water supply and worktop .
7 A very careful choice of rod should be made for a fish that fights as hard as barbel .
8 Application should be made for a discretionary award to the appropriate local grant-awarding authority preferably by 1 June but not later than 30 June of the year of proposed entry to the course .
9 Application should be made for a split trial under Ord 33 , rr3 and 4 , under which liability can be tried first and quantum tried when the plaintiff 's medical or employment position , or any other doubt on quantum , has been clarified .
10 The committee recommended that O grades , taken only by the abler pupils , be replaced by an examination that matched comprehensive education , and that all pupils should be assessed for a single national certificate in each subject .
11 Also in September 1989 pupils in key stages 1–3 were brought within the scope of section 10(3) of the Act — which provides that prior to the introduction of the prescribed ATs and PS the subjects should be covered for a ‘ reasonable time ’ , taken to mean sufficient for ‘ worthwhile study ’ in each subject .
12 Almost all Japanese believed that colonial rule in Korea should be extended for a very lengthy period , if not permanently .
13 He proposed on June 22 that the four allies ' rights and responsibilities should be extended for a period of five years after unification , and that only then would Germany have the sovereign right to conclude international agreements such as a treaty of membership of NATO .
14 With great reluctance , Reagan bowed to pressure from his advisers and compromised the Kemp-Roth principle somewhat by agreeing that the first cut should be delayed for a few months and reduced to 5 per cent in the first year with 10 per cent cuts in years two and three .
15 There were jeers when Stephanie McKenzie-Hill argued that the North Down association should be asked for a commitment to support the party manifesto , including the agreement .
16 Haggis also reheats well in the microwave cooker ; approximately 10min should be allowed for a 450g/1 lb example on a setting of 70% power .
17 Hocine Ait Ahmed , leader of the Socialist Forces Front ( FFS ) , declined to attend , and reiterated on Feb. 10 that a date should be set for a return to a " democratic process " which should include the FIS .
18 He also hinted that a conference expected next year to amend the EC treaty to achieve monetary union should be used for a more fundemental rewriting of the EC constitution .
19 The media department works closely with the planning and creative departments to determine which media should be used for a particular campaign , and then negotiates with the media owners to obtain the best possible positions and prices .
20 In almost cases it is suggested that specific clearance and a specific shelf-life should be established for a given product to an identified market , or group of markets .
21 He first addressed himself to Parliament , to which he proposed that a Presbyterian form of government should be established for a limited period , during which the King and his household would be allowed to use the Book of Common Prayer .
22 It will further be argued that initial teacher training can not be treated as separate from other areas of teacher education and that changes in any one sector will inevitably influence all teacher education provision , initial , probation support and in-service and that in the light of this interdependence , strategies should be established for a coordinated response across the spectrum of teacher education provision .
23 Although Scotland fans remember Jimmy Johnstone as the drunken hero of the Largs boating trip , a passing thought should be spared for a couple of local brothers , John and Tam Halliday , two old men who luckily owned a boat and had a lifetime 's knowledge of the maritime area .
24 All the advantages would be lost if teachers decided , whether on grounds of convenience or of egalitarianism , that whole classes of students should be entered for a particular grade examination .
25 But it must never be forgotten that , if this happens , it happens by accident : it can be no part of the system that pupils should be entered for a test because of the age they are or the class they are part of .
26 This tensing should be held for a count of five , then released , and repeated several times .
27 Treu [ 15 ] considered the existence of trails through bibliographic citations and thought they should be preserved for a searcher to retrace his steps at a later date .
28 It did suggest that the principles of confidentiality should be preserved for a period of fifteen years instead of thirty , but that there should be no new machinery for enforcement since offenders would carry the risk of social and political sanctions , and , of course , if they came within the rubric of any existing legal restraint , such as the Official Secrets Act , they would run the risk of legal proceedings .
29 The use of Masai in broadcasts should be introduced for a time but should not , he said , become ‘ a permanent privilege ’ .
30 The tribunal which decided the case considers the application , but , if it is allowed , the case must be listed for a tribunal composed of different people to be heard afresh .
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