Example sentences of "[modal v] [be] [vb pp] [verb] at " in BNC.

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1 ( ii ) Pupils should be enabled to compose at greater length than they can manage to write down by themselves , by : • dictating to their teacher or another adult , into a tape recorder ; or • working with other children ; or • using a word processor .
2 The latter 's delight and enthusiasm were such that he insisted that Nicholas should be sent to study at Oxford University and maintained there at the royal charge ; but a month later the youth died , on his twentieth birthday .
3 The hands should be kept moving at all times , not held in a perfect , but rigid , high-guard defence .
4 Did he also receive representations about 15 Parachute regiment to the effect that it should be allowed to continue at its five locations in Scotland ?
5 The corrective operation could not be undertaken until the child was three months old , and the doctor recommended that the child should be allowed to stay at the hospital until she was due for surgery , her condition producing difficulties in feeding .
6 Now , I 've discussed with the Chief Fire Officer whether members of this Committee should be allowed to look at them .
7 According to the Association of Metropolitan Authorities there was a massive 37.5 per cent increase in rent arrears in the six months immediately following the benefit changes in April 1988.37 Other benefit changes may have contributed to this increase in arrears : the change from supplementary benefit to income support ; the insistence that everyone should be required to pay at least 20 per cent of their rates ( community charge ) and all of their water rates ; and the replacement of urgent needs payments by social fund loans .
8 Families and friends should be encouraged to visit at any time .
9 Students should be encouraged to look at the other information in the financial accounting system to see if it would be helpful for managers in terms of monitoring , planning or control .
10 I would suggest that care should be taken to talk at the client 's level — including use of the client 's terminology .
11 In such a case , some form of conflict resolution must be adopted to arrive at a solution .
12 The broker ( through whom the approach would normally be made ) must be kept informed at each stage of the process .
13 It is no longer enough to make a simple count of publications ; some attempt must be made to look at the informational content ( bibliographies ) , peer group assessment ( citations ) , and long-term value to the academic community ( review articles ) .
14 It is no longer enough to make a simple count of publications ; some attempt must be made to look at the informational content ( bibliographies ) , peer group assessment ( citations ) , and long-term value to the academic community ( review articles ) .
15 First , the Attorney General Sir Nicholas Lyell , must be persuaded to look at the case .
16 ‘ Saxon and Norman debris and post-holes must be preserved hidden at all costs ’ stated the developer … doubtless with a correct note of scorn in his voice .
17 ‘ You had better change the lock on the door , ’ she had teased , ‘ because I might be tempted to peep at the manuscript . ’
18 If the subject-matter is sequential , the teacher must ask himself whether it is essential that step A is known to have been mastered before the beginning of step B , and what is the essential minimum ; he will then go on to decide how the achievement of that minimum can be tested , what can be done for those who do not reach it , and whether the material is such that comprehension or insight might be expected to dawn at later stages after more exposure to the subject field .
19 Extra time may be spent learning the basics of editing , or more advanced camera work etc. , or this might be left to develop at a later workshop .
20 Erm she would ask that and fine that impose today er , could be paid by her at the rate of five pounds per week erm , she er runs a car her invalidity income amounts to forty six pounds fifteen pence per week and she also receives a super annuation payment from her former employers Goldeson 's Hospital at the rate of a hundred and three pounds per month but she and her husband do have to er to run the home and er , and run the house er , run run the car and she would ask that she 'll be allowed to pay at the rate of five pound per week .
21 They could be seen flinching at the hammering of fists against the sides of the buses .
22 But it is just such a view that could be said to lie at the heart of a second major theory of social stratification that has emerged more recently in sociology : the functionalist theory of stratification .
23 The National Industrial Relations Court held that Mr Claydon was not , in fact , redundant as , under the terms of his contract , he could be required to work at any of the Authority 's establishments .
24 The members of such groups typically believe that their specially created cameras are the only camerae lucidae ; if only people could be persuaded to peep at the world through their lenses , all other cameras would be condemned to political obscurity .
25 Describe the methods which could be used to arrive at an annual forecast of sales .
26 Castleton makes a suitable base and heading west towards the ridge , you may be tempted to pause at the Speedwell , Treak Cliff and Blue John caverns .
27 Councillors on authorities other than education authorities may be invited to participate at some level in educational administration and in the case of primary schools , district and parish councils may have rights in respect of appointing governors .
28 Pupils may be invited to play at being a detective to resolve some mystery , or they might investigate the contents of a seaman 's chest , a collection of craftsman 's tools , or a doctor 's bag , or a lady 's valise , for example to help pupils to build up a picture of the people who used them .
29 To avoid inconvenience it may be scheduled to run at a specific time when LIFESPAN itself is not required .
30 Journalists who may be minded to look at court or police records should bear in mind that an official persuaded to show them a spent conviction is liable to a fine , and if they make their persuasion more persuasive by a bribe , or obtain access to the record dishonestly , they themselves are liable to imprisonment for up to six months .
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