Example sentences of "[modal v] [not/n't] [verb] [noun] at " in BNC.

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1 But one must not hasten justice at the expense of justice . ’
2 ‘ We had a band chat and for ages we were saying we should not do merchandising at all , because it is a sign that you are a really big band and that you are trying to cash in .
3 From that point , maximum heading change should not exceed at any one time .
4 Beyond the outer marker the maximum heading change should not exceed at any one time .
5 Some individuals are far more sensitive than others and should not consume caffeine at all .
6 People taking certain medicines should not take alcohol at the same time , or maybe not take it at all because the alcohol will have a more pronounced effect under/or the effect of the medicine will be altered .
7 If they are not prepared to accept them jointly , they should not have children at all .
8 ‘ You must n't make faces at people , my dear ; you look like a dog that 's baring it 's teeth .
9 Doctors say the problems should n't put lives at risk … but the problem will get worse unless more resources are forthcoming .
10 And that they should n't have names at all , but simply be numbered from one to sixty .
11 The local variation may not represent information at all for , as Figure 5. 14 clearly shows , some high-frequency noise in the form of horizontal scan line patterns may be present on an image , distracting the user and rendering him or her less capable of recognizing underlying trends .
12 Other media , of course , may not require photographs at all , and more of this will be found in Chapter 4 .
13 We discuss evidence that these two types of mapping can be carried out separately and that , in certain circumstances , role-to-name mapping in particular may not take place at all .
14 As we have seen , some genetic change may not take place at random , or events may occur more quickly than Darwin believed .
15 With a chord of C major , diatonic substitution notes would be as shown in Example 100 , resolving on the note substituted as indicated ( if any resolution takes place ) : The above resolutions may not take place at all ; indeed , one substitution note may move to another ( presuming the same harmony ) , again without any resolution taking place .
16 For example , some bonds might not pay coupons at all ( such bonds are called zero-coupon bonds , and they sell at a deep discount to their par values since all the reward from holding the bond comes in the form of capital gain rather than income ) ; some bonds make coupon payments that change over time , e.g. because they are linked to current market interest rates ( variable rate bonds or floating rate notes ) or to an index such as the retail price index ( index-linked bonds ) ; and some bonds make coupon payments only if the income generated by the firm that issued the bonds is sufficient , ( such bonds are known as income bonds ; unlike other bond-holders , an income bond-holder can not put the firm into liquidation if a coupon payment is not paid ) .
17 The acknowledgement of service enables the defendant 's solicitor to correct any misnomer in the writ unless , of course , it is so fundamental that he might not accept service at all .
18 ‘ If I 'd known my score was 4998 not 496 I might not have runs at all . ’
19 For example , the doctor who used crutches said that he would find surgery difficult and could not visit patients at home because of access problems .
20 Sainsbury 's felt it could not justify investment at either of these locations and instead surprised everyone by buying land at Parc Menai which has already got planning consent for a hotel and conference centre .
21 Frederica could not see Alexander at all : indeed she had noted he was not there : she stared around and around now at colourless air and sand as though he might rise from them like a mirage .
22 Marie Grubbe could not take offence at the insults and the brutality to which Søren , her third husband , subjected her when she so thoroughly understood herself and him . …
23 However , if the relevant project could not take place at all without cooperation , then Article 85(1) will not be infringed .
24 In 1978 it was claimed that these devices could not produce electricity at a cheaper rate than 20 pence per kilowatt hour ( as opposed to the Central Electricity Generating Board 's 2.7 pence per kilowatt hour ) but this has now been reduced to 10 pence per kilowatt hour while Dr Salter maintains that the Duck could achieve 4 pence per kilowatt hour .
25 A particularly charming smile ensured she 'd not take offence at his words .
26 Mrs Short : I could n't handle George at weekends if he was away all week .
27 because I could n't speak English at all , I speak the , I could read a paper or a book , I du n no what is all about , but I used to get because you got on it for instant like mm
28 Biggerstaff 's Metro 6R4 suffered a puncture on his first run but even a courageous charge at the second attempt could n't displace Woodside at the top of the list .
29 He was such a charismatic man that Ruth could n't take offence at that .
30 I could n't find Basil at the prize-giving .
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