Example sentences of "[modal v] [vb infin] an [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 If it considers that a Member State is making improper use of the powers provided for in this paragraph , the Commission ( or another Member State ) may invoke an accelerated enforcement procedure against the Member State .
2 All are striking , some are beautiful , others startling and a few may invoke an involuntary shudder — such as the ‘ Vogue Food Photograph ’ of oyster complete with inquisitively crawling snails and a pair of skinned raw frogs ' legs , or the ‘ Bug in Ear ’ , showing a black beetle poised at the entrance to the aural cavity .
3 specifically , a reference group may influence an individual person 's behaviour : * by establishing " conventional " patterns of behaviour and purchase satisfaction ; * by influencing individual expectations and aspirations , which will shape people 's attitude towards consumption and satisfaction ; * by defining and shaping individual personal taste ; * by supplying the consumer with information about particular products or services , in situations where the individual has minimal prior knowledge .
4 Whilst standardised scales have the advantage of producing data in a form which simplifies the process of analysis and facilitates comparisons with other studies , they can not take into account the whole range of factors which may influence an elderly person 's mental state at any one time , or the way in which he or she answers questions .
5 Even his description of Oswiu 's overlordship in Britain may convey an inflated impression of military activity under Oswiu .
6 The American test relies wholly on community standards , which may cover an entire range of social conventions without necessarily embracing aspects of public morality adequate to the behaviour portrayed or the vile exploitation of that behaviour by the work itself .
7 If no agreement has been signed , the vendor may want an appropriate agreement before revealing any confidential information as part of the due diligence .
8 For example , as part of the sale arrangements , the purchaser may grant an exclusive licence to a company in the vendor 's group covering intellectual property rights .
9 ( 1 ) A licensing board may grant an occasional licence to the holder of a licence authorising him to sell alcoholic liquor , during such hours and on such day as the board may determine , in the course of catering for an event taking place outwith the licensed premises in respect of which he is the holder of a licence .
10 ( 2 ) A licensing board may grant an occasional licence to a registered club authorising the club to sell alcoholic liquor , during such hours and on such day as the board may determine , at an event held outwith the premises of the club if the event arises from or relates to the functions of the club .
11 ( 1 ) A licensing board may grant an occasional permission to a person representing a voluntary organisation or a branch of a voluntary organisation authorising him to sell alcoholic liquor during such hours and on such day as the board may determine , in the course of catering for an event , arising from or related to the activities of the organisation , taking place outwith licensed premises .
12 We may make an easy start with the short circuit and a bit more , but do we not then have to include in the circumstance the absence of a burst in a water pipe at the right moment ?
13 This is quite different , even if the choice , when made , may make an early death more likely .
14 None of these species may feel entirely ‘ at home ’ in the new place — but together , they may make an impressive species list .
15 Rule of Court 89(a) provides that the Court may make an interim payment if it is satisfied : ‘ that , if the action proceeded to Proof , the pursuer would succeed in the action on the question of liability without any substantial finding of contributory negligence on his part … and would obtain decree for damages against the defender or defenders , or where there are two or more of them , against any one of them ’ .
16 In advance of the hearing , the court may make an interim order staying any proceedings and this order can even be made ex parte ( r 6.208 ) .
17 If an adjournment is granted in care proceedings the court may make an interim care or supervision order under s38 ( see Chapter 9 , 7(a) ) .
18 He may make an excellent shoemaker , but can never make a good poet .
19 No cause of death is given , but we may make an informed guess , for all that , that a man whose elder brother had been carried off by consumption was himself the victim of that ‘ white plague ’ which accounted for one-third of all deaths in the early years of the 19th century .
20 For instance , landowners who find their land scheduled for housebuilding may enjoy an immediate increase in capital value .
21 Let's consider an actual design example which will demonstrate the principles of drafting a p.c.b .
22 Turbo diesels should not be dismissed out of hand , but the turbocharger is a complicating factor , and a car which has not been carefully serviced may need an expensive replacement turbo .
23 Occasionally you may need an extra thickness of card to bring the contents up flush with the frame
24 With these developments , BR reckons it may need an extra £300m from the government to balance its books for 1990–91 .
25 LEEDS United midfielder Steve Hodge may need an immediate operation on his calf .
26 Like a constipated mathematician , you may need an old pencil to work this one out ! ( © Old jokes dept. 1934 )
27 Depending on the outcome of the other matches involving Switzerland , Romania and Bulgaria , Scotland may need an 11-goal victory to qualify for the finals .
28 And if defeated , objectors may consider an audacious bid to buy Clairville Common in Middlesbrough .
29 SIR , — The possibility that observer bias may compromise an unblinded study must always be seriously considered .
30 This approach may lack an academic master work expounding and defending it , but it more than makes up for this with populist political appeal .
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