Example sentences of "[modal v] [vb infin] to [noun sg] on " in BNC.

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1 Motorists , denied this exhilarating walk , must return to Dent on wheels , reaching the village a mile from the junction at the foot of Deepdale .
2 Given your date of confinement of you should return to work on or before
3 Clearly , if you or I should happen to chance on a second , battered and with a dozen pages adrift , we should be happy to buy it for a modest sum .
4 " We must go to work on another table . "
5 Charlotte then employed every sign that she knew to tell the other fishermen that none of them should put to sea on that day , to no avail .
6 Mm perhaps it 'll go to sleep on his cheek .
7 They 'll go to court on Friday … and if the travellers still refuse to leave … then the conbservators will turn to the Police for help .
8 And then we 'll see — if we can get rid of the muscle spasms , if the pain stops , then I 'll go to work on the muscles . ’
9 MIP-1 β is produced in large amounts by monocytes , fibroblasts and lymphocytes early after activation in vitro ; in vivo , it might bind to proteoglycan on the endothelial surface at inflammatory sites and be presented as an adhesion-inducing stimulus to passing leukocytes .
10 Thus diminution of prostacyclin production and stimulation of platelet aggregation both mediated by lipid peroxides could contribute to thrombosis on atheromatous plaques .
11 At the flat there were drinks parties and little dinners every week , which irritated me , as I had to wait for everyone to finish filling the air with their thoughts on the latest novel before I could go to bed on the sofa .
12 Does any hon. Member seriously think that , after Britain has signed up for a single currency , we could go to war on our own and expect the 11 countries who share the same currency to stand idly by and see the value of their currency wrecked , for ever depreciating , just because Britain was in one of its periodic warmongering fits ?
13 She needs plenty of shouting at or she 'd go to sleep on her feet . ’
14 The original stuff had all been ripped out years ago , so when I moved in I thought I 'd go to town on the redecoration .
15 Between 4p and £1 may go to charity on a £2 pack of cards .
16 In addition there are genuine conceptual and technical difficulties in assessing " performance " in services like the NHS or education and this may lead to concentration on the measurable rather than the important ( as the early history of performance indicators demonstrates ) .
17 Indeed , internal dissensions between different groups of local people may lead to indifference on their part to government personnel and their efforts , but the causes and remedies of the two explanations are different .
18 These will arise , whether justified or not , and may lead to resentment on the part of employees if managements fail to deal with the problems quickly .
19 If we assume no tax being paid on earnings , but paid instead on spending , few of us would object to VAT on general goods being increased .
20 Thank you very much Mr Chairman , erm yeah I 've put my hand up three or four times , but er bridges Mr Chairman I would like to emphasis on the bridges , it does n't the width of the bridges , yet bridges will be replaced
21 If you would like to book on this course , please refer to the Training Programme or contact Head Office .
22 A touch of regional pride appeared in the expectation that the New Jerusalem , of which the Apocalypse of John had spoken , would descend to earth on a hill in their own Phrygia .
23 ‘ Apparently Ainley had told them he would try to force-land on a beach just after they flew near some naval ships .
24 Officials said they would lead to danger on the busy A689 which runs through the middle of the community .
25 He stressed , however , that lower interest rates in the UK would continue to hinge on a policy of strict controls on public spending .
26 The ABD does not object to Gatsos where they will contribute to safety on the roads .
27 ‘ In the church of S. Andrea della Valle , the exterior of which has already been restored , we will set to work on Mattia Preti 's grandiose but much-damaged frescoes and in Santa Maria della Pace we will restore Raphael 's Chigi Chapel , also in a poor state of preservation ’ .
28 Instead all will decide to free-ride on other people 's efforts .
29 Next week 's begs the thought , however , of how many will go to church on St Valentine 's Day .
30 In other words , the body 's detoxification enzymes have evolved to deal with a certain range of naturally occurring chemicals — they can go to work on synthetic ones , but on the way to breaking them down they may produce intermediates that are harmful .
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