Example sentences of "[modal v] [vb infin] the same [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 If government relies on principles of majoritarian democracy to justify its decisions about who may vote , it must respect the same principles in designing voting districts .
2 This is the point where a number of difficult areas converge : society 's ambivalence about sexuality and people with learning difficulties ; a tradition of segregation ; a lingering concern about eugenics ; a shameful history of ( enforced ) sterilisation ; a proper concern about vulnerable children ; and their right to due protection from neglect and abuse — set against an increasing recognition that people with learning difficulties should enjoy the same rights to an ordinary life in our society as anyone else , including the rights to be parents .
3 This restriction — that the two ways of obtaining estimates of and should give the same results — is an example of the cross-equation restrictions implied by the model in equation ( 6.14 ) .
4 It seems odd that the Prime Minister should use the same words as us .
5 Yet the city must provide the same services — street lights , rubbish collection , police and fire protection — as it does to bustling neighbourhoods .
6 A point of special interest to women is that annuities by law have now become unisex and so must provide the same rates for men and women alike .
7 To be ‘ right ’ the trainees ' answers need not be the same as the samples , but they should follow the same criteria .
8 Consequently , at this year 's International Council Meeting , it was decided that the quest for sponsorship should follow the same guidelines as fundraising in its pursuit of funds .
9 Quantum theory must produce the same goods in the large-scale domain as those of Newtonian mechanics which works so well .
10 Residents of these homes should have the same rights to choice of general practitioner and to NHS care as any other person .
11 This group 's main interests are that privatisation should be speeded up and that privatised companies should have the same rights as state-owned rivals .
12 By the end of the period of imperial expansion , in the middle of the twentieth century , it was widely believed that everyone in the world should be a citizen of an independent and sovereign state and should have the same rights as all the other citizens in the state , but in 1500 very few people would have understood such a notion .
13 Even if their child stays away from school parents are still urged to seek a refund as the council believes children should have the same rights as other rail users .
14 If , however , equity shares have been allotted under the scheme , the holders should have the same rights to protect their proportion of equity as any other shareholder .
15 Anxious that the poorer areas in the east of Paris should have the same facilities as those in the west , the Emperor gave the land at Vincennes to the city and a huge park was constructed at the expense of the privy purse .
16 As minister of labour he was concerned that the government should not become totally identified with the Unionist Party and was determined that people in Northern Ireland should have the same standards of living as those in the rest of the United Kingdom .
17 If the keywords are ever removed and re-entered , they must have the same attributes as before .
18 I must apply the same rules to those on the Front Benches as to those on the Back Benches .
19 One solution is to assume that , since all men are in their most basic attributes ultimately alike and use similar mental processes , then they must mean the same things when they employ the same symbols and metaphors .
20 This is much less often commented upon , probably because he mentions it in a rather throwaway fashion , losing it in a section almost entirely devoted to the argument that noblemen should receive the same punishments as people of the lower orders .
21 His eyes were a deep , dark grey , almost drugged , she saw as he turned her face up to his , and she guessed her own face must reflect the same emotions .
22 Although it sought to make schools accessible , it also held that attendance at them should be voluntary , that pupils should pay for the instruction they received , that public education should be developed gradually rather than immediately , and that , although schools would still be run by different agencies , societies and private individuals , they should teach the same things and be managed identically .
23 So we should ask the same questions of the conditional theory .
24 ‘ … the biogeographer may study the same phenomena as the ecologist , but he usually places as much emphasis on the distributional aspects as on the environmental relationships in this study .
25 I do n't think we 'll make the same mistakes again . ’
26 John Coffin , she felt sure , would not ; he might think the same things , but would not say them in that way .
27 You see , I kept blaming you for everything , but that was n't fair , a lot of it was my fault too , and I might make the same mistakes all over again , and I could n't bear that .
28 It would seem that Harwood 's product might face the same difficulties .
29 Professional installers may use the same materials , or perhaps special machinery to blow a blanket of loose mineral wool or fire-proofed cellulose fibre into the loft .
30 American English may use the same words as ‘ English ’ English , but with a different meaning .
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