Example sentences of "[modal v] [vb infin] up in [art] " in BNC.

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1 But the brokers between the private sector and the community , such as BITC , say these sources may dry up in the recession .
2 His gouverneur or chief guardian was General Frossard , but it was the wish of the Emperor and Empress that apart from obligatory public appearances , which were confined to a minimum , the child should grow up in a family atmosphere .
3 Suppose , however , that God decided that the universe should finish up in a state of high order but that it did n't matter what state it started in .
4 We must go up in the loft and find your clothes
5 ‘ You must come up in the fall ; it 's beautiful .
6 They must lie up in the caves , if we do send refugees here , and in the pinewoods and the tall juniper — they will do even in the winter .
7 If you were particularly impressed by any of the candidates you may like to say that you have retained details on file in case anything suitable should turn up in the future .
8 More than 2 tonnes of the waste , contaminated with 300 grams of dioxin , that was scraped from the inside of the pot is still being sought by environmentalists who believe that it , too , may land up in the sea .
9 When less fluid lavas are involved , which do n't break up into droplets , large gobbets of the molten rock are flung up from the vent , spreading out into irregular plates which may break up in the air into smaller bits .
10 If so , HP could hit the full-motion video market long before its competitors and , with NT in tow , might wind up in the thick of the battle for dominance in the next wave of PCs .
11 It 'll clear up in a couple of days .
12 no we 'll clear up in a minute
13 So , if it 's really going to cost me fifty pound the cubic metre to pour concrete and happen to have forty pound the cubic metre , then it 'll show up in the plan that mm , I 'm not doing to well here , because there was n't a big enough allowance .
14 ‘ I 'll take you to Ilse 's now and we 'll meet up in the morning . ’
15 Tell you who I might phone up in a minute
16 He 's drug-free , he 's just been to hospital , y'know , he 's got the kids , if he goes away , the kids 'll end up in a home , which was the biggest factor really .
17 If I plead guilty to that , I thought , I 'll end up in the nick for the rest of my life .
18 ‘ No , they 'll end up in the pawnshop , ’ I sobbed .
19 You 'll end up in the gutter .
20 It does n't matter which way we go , we 'll end up in the centre . ’
21 Otherwise you 'll end up in the Tower , not writing leaflets . ’
22 The way to overcome this is to sail slightly high of your intended course and you 'll end up in the right place .
23 Yes , you can see when the ball goes off , then you 'll end up in the far corner .
24 He 'll end up in the same place as the last bloke and he 's still there .
25 We 'll go up in the lift , alright ?
26 In order to protect the interests of all people with care needs , of all people with dementia , who might end up in a private home , might end up in a voluntary home , might end up in Part 4 or might end up in a health service bed , it is necessary to look across that range of services at the general issues raised and see what can be done constructively in the interests of that total group of people with defined needs .
27 In order to protect the interests of all people with care needs , of all people with dementia , who might end up in a private home , might end up in a voluntary home , might end up in Part 4 or might end up in a health service bed , it is necessary to look across that range of services at the general issues raised and see what can be done constructively in the interests of that total group of people with defined needs .
28 In order to protect the interests of all people with care needs , of all people with dementia , who might end up in a private home , might end up in a voluntary home , might end up in Part 4 or might end up in a health service bed , it is necessary to look across that range of services at the general issues raised and see what can be done constructively in the interests of that total group of people with defined needs .
29 stake in National Power or PowerGen to bring pressure to bear on those companies to reduce the development of gas-fired stations , they might end up in a United Kingdom court for breaking United Kingdom company law .
30 If you leave it til the last minute and you question spot , you might end up in a sticky situation How many people here have failed an exam ?
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