Example sentences of "[modal v] [vb infin] [pron] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Autonomy however should not imply total independence for although the manager may divest his authority to the surveyor to run the job on site , he is still ultimately responsible and must show support at all stages .
2 There , in most courses , students divide into ordinary and honours streams only at the end of the second year , although their intentions may affect their choice of first- and second-year options .
3 This may affect their autonomy at least in terms of overall policy .
4 These elements of spatial order as representation are complemented by the impact of new material developments such as transport systems , which may affect our sense of space and distance .
5 The stereotypical role-playing that we see in our families and society may affect our fear of rejection .
6 Employees may regard their property in a high-priced area as a ‘ nest egg ’ for their retirement ( as they may plan to retire to a cheaper area of housing and fund their retirement with the sale proceeds ) or they may not wish to reduce their stake in the housing market .
7 Many of his battle-weary colleagues , three years later , may regard his enthusiasm with some cynicism but most would agree with him that the nature of management in the NHS has been transformed in a relatively short space of time .
8 For the farm worker may regard his dependence upon his employer as being mitigated by the increasingly close and harmonious relationship which the two sides maintain .
9 In any case , as far as everyday quantum mechanics is concerned , we may regard our use of imaginary time and Euclidean space-time as merely a mathematical device ( or trick ) to calculate answers about real space-time .
10 these may prepare their accounts in accordance with Schedule 9 ( as amended ) instead of Schedule 4 .
11 In meetings people may lower their status through :
12 The members of the court may then confer , and may deliver their judgments in turn .
13 The doctors may broadcast their scripts to a drug-hungry nation like showers of autumn leaves , but they still act as an intolerable bottle-neck between manufacturers and their clients , the latter , poor sods , often not even knowing what wondrous remedies are to hand for the asking .
14 The desire of landlocked kingdoms to share in the potential of overseas trade may explain their belligerence towards coastal kingdoms in the seventh century .
15 ( The commission 's difficulties in running the Euratom laboratories may explain its lack of enthusiasm for the infrastructure of industrial innovation . )
16 This may explain my confusion on reading a newspaper advertisement touting a book on baseball by Roger Angell .
17 Older people like other members of the population may consult their GP at the surgery or request a home visit .
18 The ONTAP ERIC file includes a set of presearched questions of varying difficulty , so that the user may compare his/her results with those of an expert .
19 In addition to personal financial interests , there may be times when a councillor has a personal interest in a matter other than a financial one , which may influence his consideration of that matter .
20 Thus , a doctor is under a duty to refrain from any act which may aid his patient in committing suicide .
21 some aspect of ‘ harmoniousness ’ between mother and child may pitch their descriptions at different levels .
22 Help us to draw closer to others , in friendship and fellowship , so that as ambassadors for you we may convey Your message to the world today .
23 Let's make our way through the organization chart of an imaginary college .
24 More literally translated that verse runs like this : ‘ I may cover his face with the present that goes before my face ; and afterwards I shall see his face ; perhaps he will lift up my face . ’
25 Thus , in good conditions , diatoms may double their weight in hours .
26 The exact activation state of normal lamina propria macrophages is currently unknown , but the lack of intercellular adhesion molecule-1 ( CD54 ) may restrict their function in antigen presentation especially to unprimed CD4 + T cells despite being pan-class II-positive .
27 If they apply the law incorrectly they have not performed their duty correctly and judicial review is available to correct their error of law so that they may make their decision upon a proper understanding of the law .
28 The Commission may make its approval of a merger subject to specified conditions and obligations designed to safeguard effective competition , and it is able to clear a merger if the parties modify their proposals to its satisfaction .
29 A carrier wishing to take proceedings to enforce his right of recovery may make his claim before the competent court … of the country in which one of the carriers concerned is ordinarily resident …
30 As a manager chairing the meeting you may focus your energies on helping the group deal with the intellectual side of its job , ie the task in hand .
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