Example sentences of "[modal v] [vb infin] [verb] [pn reflx] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 They may prefer to believe themselves to be special and different in their primary addictions rather than part of a wider group of sufferers from addictive disease .
2 Some transracial adopters may prefer to isolate themselves from the cultural background and ethnic origin of their child because it is easier in the short run to escape conflicts .
3 If she lives on her own and poor health has robbed her of a normal social life , it is to be expected that her loneliness may have created such a build-up of unexpressed thoughts , feelings and opinions that she may need to talk herself to a standstill before she is ready to converse with you , and interest herself in anything you have to say .
4 People living here must prefer keeping themselves to themselves . ’
5 All right , I 'll put a sling on that arm , and if the pain gets worse you must promise to take yourself to the hospital . ’
6 And business schools will surely need to work out what successful , professional specialists must know to prepare themselves for high-level positions as business executives and business leaders .
7 The speaker in the afternoon was Sue Beardon , of Voluntary Action-Leeds , and she helped delegates understand what they must do to prepare themselves for the new ways of working .
8 Do n't you think that maybe it was just a teeny-weeny bit curious or stupid or disgusting that Morrissey should choose to wrap himself in the flag ?
9 In the front hall — in case any burglar should choose to throw himself through the fireproof glass in the window or slice through the mortise lock with a flame gun — was a selection of things to trip over .
10 In addition , the learning steps a student must follow to prepare himself for each test are specified .
11 I have always felt that on these policy study groups we must avoid restricting ourselves to those who are already fully committed politically to the Conservative Party .
12 ‘ Well , you really must try to familiarize yourself with our traditions .
13 He should have placed himself in the middle between Laura and Maggie he thought .
14 The Lord Chancellor , Lord Mackay , said it was regrettable that the judge should have expressed himself in this way .
15 It is a consideration which I should have applied myself to the assessment of general damages to favour this plaintiff .
16 Squaring her shoulders , she said tersely , ‘ I really do n't see why I should have to explain myself to you .
17 Dawn Allenby , a masochist if ever there was one , should have prostrated herself at the feet of Desmond Fairchild , a sadist in a trilby hat worn with the brim turned up all the way round like vaudeville comic .
18 Although I know that in these matters there is almost no limit to what people will do , I am horrified that Victoria should have subjected herself to an Aids test and — as I have heard happens — the offers of emotional counselling and financial advice .
19 You should have dedicated yourself to bringing up your child … . ’
20 Incredible , bloody incredible , that the Service should have found itself within a whisker of escape , within a few heartbeats …
21 ‘ If you had warned me then of the horrors in store , I should have thrown myself under the stage rather than have travelled inside it . ’
22 It must have transmitted itself to the patients , for even they gave up after their initial attempts at jollity , and by mid-morning a definite air of gloom seemed to have settled over the place .
23 He must have worried himself to death just because he was afraid to tell me . ’
24 The same scenario must have presented itself to Randy , Mitch and Noel .
25 He must have supposed himself to be using a language absolutely purged of metaphor when he wrote at the grand climax of the Discourse on method
26 The name Tolkien , he once remarked in a letter , is based on the German word for foolhardy : which is what , when he finally had his huge romance published , he must have supposed himself to be .
27 She must have thrown herself down the stairs !
28 It seemed to Harriet that Liza must have unburdened herself to Dr Forman rather than her own mother and somehow this increased her sense of resentment .
29 After seeing him , because he thought that once he 'd seen the consultant it would then take some time to get the treatment started , but they must have got themselves over that .
30 The curious , at times seemingly perverse , ambiguity in which the terms of the contract are from time to time expressed is an added reason why no one who has to wrestle with the problems which abound in this area should fail to arm himself with this book .
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