Example sentences of "[modal v] [vb infin] [verb] [pron] in " in BNC.

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1 Tom will want to check for proteinuria and test your reflexes , but even if those things are normal he and Dr Greene may want to pop you in hospital for a while . ’
2 You may wish to leave your monthly transfer at the same amount ; or you may want to amend it in the light of an increase in the cost of living or changes in your expenditure plans .
3 The charity is still in force today , but is used for grants for students and apprentices for books and any equipment they may need to help them in their careers .
4 I should want to use him in a completely different context , of course …
5 I should prefer to watch him in the primeval forests of his native land , wielding an axe against some giant tree .
6 Do n't you think that maybe it was just a teeny-weeny bit curious or stupid or disgusting that Morrissey should choose to wrap himself in the flag ?
7 ‘ If I have to look at you , ’ Aunt Emily said without rancour , ‘ I should like to see you in a new dress .
8 I should like to thank everyone in the Division for all the hard work which has gone into making 1990 a year of significant progress .
9 Jerry Fodor , who thrives on ‘ propositional attitudes ’ should try to deploy them in rewriting ‘ Tyger , Tyger burning bright . ’
10 She must try to pack everything in one box , for she will not need many clothes for twelve days ; and she will probably have to bring a hat-box , though indeed the latter will be a little inconvenient .
11 The parties should attempt to agree them in advance .
12 The fact of it was , Amanda should never have brought him in here at all ; she should have kept him in Reception , as per company policy .
13 They are entitled to these benefits , they should have received them in the past , and they should have received them by law .
14 ‘ Someone should have shut you in a hospital for the criminally insane and thrown away the key . ’
15 But that one should have believed something in a hypothetical situation may and often is used as part of an argument to establish what one should now believe .
16 He should have placed himself in the middle between Laura and Maggie he thought .
17 The Lord Chancellor , Lord Mackay , said it was regrettable that the judge should have expressed himself in this way .
18 ‘ The adrenalin was pumping and my experience should have stood me in good stead .
19 ‘ The adrenalin was pumping and my experience should have stood me in good stead .
20 It is remarkable that mental qualities that were selected for these purposes should have stood us in such good stead in the very different circumstances of the present day .
21 To marry by special licence , and if necessary without her parents ’ permission , so that before I went away again we should have become one in body as we were in — dare I say spirit ? — at any rate , in mind .
22 I 'm very sorry , ’ said Breeze sedately , ‘ that you should have seen me in that cowardly moment . ’
23 You should have seen me in the dock , man .
24 Yes , they will go , but the government should do two things , and it should have done them in the White Paper announcement ; it should have said ‘ we are proposing to get rid of all advantages for company cars in tax terms and we are proposing to make sure that people pay by paying more road tax or more petrol costs if they have high gas-guzzling cars ’ .
25 When we settled down we played some tremendous football and maybe should have sneaked it in the end .
26 It is ironic that reforms intended to increase efficiency by introducing market disciplines should have undermined them in the one sector in which they already existed .
27 ‘ I saw you struggling with it ; you should have left it in the Range Rover — I would have lifted it out for you . ’
28 PLAYER : ( Acknowledging the description with a sweep of his hat , bowing : sadly ) You should have caught us in better times .
29 And you should have put it in writing if you 'd wanted to make anything of it ! ’
30 Rich , the fact is , he should have put it in the
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