Example sentences of "[modal v] [vb infin] [pn reflx] from [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The Charter For The 1990s report leaked last week recommends that Radio 1 should distinguish itself from commercial stations by implementing new discussion and documentary programmes , and ape up-market Radio 3 with regular pop music concerts .
2 But overall , it was by turning to their own bodies that women artists could free themselves from surrealist stereotypes .
3 Lynsey was researching a project on how women could defend themselves from potential rapists and sex attackers and planning a BBC documentary on the subject .
4 One of the reasons we developed a design-led retail business , offering our own unique products , was because we saw we could distance ourselves from other retailers who were just selling manufacturers ' products and discounting them and getting into constant competitive battles .
5 They 'd haunt the alleys behind bakeries , they 'd help themselves from uncollected deliveries , they 'd stick around on the embankment for midnight handouts from the Salvation Army and the Krishna Temple .
6 They were opposed by Anthony Cary , Lord Falkland , a Tory , who argued that the throne should not be filled until Parliament had decided what powers to give the Crown , so that " we may secure ourselves from Arbitrary Government " , although in this he was supported by radical Whigs such as Wildman .
7 The great agricultural countries between the Baltic and the Black Sea can free themselves from patriarchal-feudal barbarism only through an agrarian revolution which will transform the peasants from their condition of serfdom or of subjection to the corvée into the free owners of the land — a revolution which will be exactly the same as the French revolution of 1789 in the countryside .
8 Again , such subjects typically have to develop a more ‘ scholarly ’ , conceptual or abstract side in order to gain admittance to and status within the academic fold , although to some extent they can isolate themselves from other faculties and departments — art and design in the polytechnics and colleges often seem to be states within a state , enjoying an autonomy underpinned by their separate location on inherited art college sites .
9 Shareholders can protect themselves from hostile takeovers and leveraged buyouts by not agreeing to sell their shareholdings at a discount .
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