Example sentences of "[modal v] [vb infin] [pers pn] [prep] some " in BNC.

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1 ‘ What the hell did you expect , that I should treat you as some kind of equal ?
2 She was so ashamed of not remembering what had happened that she felt she must compensate him in some way , so she kissed his mouth and stroked his cheek .
3 You should soak them in some stuff .
4 You should soak them in some stuff .
5 This brief letter should provide you with some guidance concerning the United States job market and your best way of approaching it .
6 He does n't seem to be embarrassed by anything , except when you try to provoke him by telling him that surely he must thump his desk once in a while , or that although he says that a record company exists ‘ to guide your artists ’ most of them must hate him at some point .
7 So we must leave it to some other group of His Majesty 's loyal subjects , such as yourselves , to carry out the task .
8 do you think we should stand it on some gravel in the saucer there 's plenty of gravel
9 But whatever our idea may be we must put it into some perspective .
10 We must represent it by some simplified analogue .
11 A re-evaluation of our current and potential interests in the area would help re-balance our contributions in geographical terms , and it just might introduce us to some useful new artistic interests and commercial concerns .
12 I 'll bring us in some coffee . ’
13 It had been impossible to think of the future since John 's abduction , but 17 April was only weeks away and I had been discussing with Chris and Nick how we might mark it in some way .
14 Mr Major said Opposition leader John Smith 's message was like Napoleon 's : ‘ Not tonight Josephine , we 'll debate it at some other time ’ .
15 We 'll debate it at some other time .
16 They 'll move him to some safe house just as they did with Hess . ’
17 ‘ In my opinion , they 'll move him to some sort of safe house .
18 At least one guidebook giving precise route descriptions has been written about each of the walks and without exception they 'll take you through some of the loveliest countryside we have .
19 ‘ I 'll take you to some place quieter … ’
20 We can put it off for a while , we can say I 'll leave it till I 'm older , I 'll leave it till some other time , I do n't want to make that decision now .
21 yeah he said oh Margaret wages have been took out me car he said I ge , I 'll get it at some point for you Margaret he said when I go at the bank but he said , yours was taken out Jack 's car
22 On the plus side , if she saw Eleanor alive and well it might frighten her into some sort of submission .
23 I 'll push you into some sort of position where I can overtake and then tow you to a garage . ’
24 He told me that he would donate £5,000 to the fund if I would undertake to invite his little son , then at school in Oxford , to tea on odd occasions , so that I could acquaint him with some of the matters relating to Judaism .
25 But if you do n't mind this cinema verité approach to pornography and you get turned on by freaky-looking people , then the amateur video could introduce you to some interesting new bedtime pals .
26 leaving it and then going back to it to see if you could integrate it plus some graphs .
27 She was up in arms , riled by his easy assurance , his certainty that he could manipulate her like some puppet .
28 ‘ What are your plans for the rest of the afternoon ? ’ she asked in her best trying-to-be-friendly voice , thinking that if she could pin-point him to some specific part of the house then she could at least do her best to avoid it .
29 She realised he could provide her with some top-class partners and she has made the best of them .
30 If you could provide me with some paper .
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