Example sentences of "[modal v] [verb] they the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Grey ’ issues of money occur whenever enterprises that are short of funds to pay their obligations insist that the banks should make them the necessary advances to restore their ‘ liquidity ’ .
2 Let's do them the other way round let's talk first of all about the visual aids .
3 I 'll give them the real Henry Farr , and he wo n't just be making witty little remarks about the London orbital motorway either .
4 ‘ And now we 'll give them the unique burn of a lifetime .
5 ‘ I 've threatened to shut the hotel down before I 'll give them the 12 per cent they 're asking for .
6 We 'll give them the full commission on the full ticket
7 that 's the perfect time and I had this sort of doubt in my mind erm then I was fortunate I learnt a co a very good scripted presentation for getting referred leads and once I started to actually ask , cos that 's all it comes down to , erm then I was getting three , four , in the end I was being quite clever and saying look if you just restrict them to three then I 'll give them the same good service I reckon I 've given you this service
8 What we have here is one jet-black copy of a Lennon-style Rickenbacker 325 ( dubbed the RK-32B , ho ho ) and one red sunburst-finished copy of Townshend 's fave battleaxe the 330 , the Encore RK-33R ( I think we 'll call them the red one and the black one ) .
9 You could make them the same overall diameter , you could even get the tensions to be the same , but when you play those strings they 're going to feel completely different because a string with a thin core and a heavy wrap is going to move more freely than one with a heavy core and a thin wrap .
10 ‘ You could dye them the same colour , ’ said Betty .
11 We could give 'em a bit more , we could give , we could give 'em the four hundred pounds .
12 Damned if the foundation could have this picture ; she 'd give them the nameless three condemned as undisciplined talent .
13 Oh yeah , I , I 'd give them the same options but
14 Perhaps if I could remember them the whole mystery would be solved .
15 Not our our owns but erm other people and they could see them the next day when the steamers went to the north isles for the er the cockerels or the hens sitting on the top of them .
16 But er I do n't really remember erm people going out to work much ex except , I suppose you 'd call them the lower classes , or not really the working classes because er , but the lower classes they would take in washing .
17 Oh yes very much so very much so there always has been , yeah they used to call them the faithful four thousand at one time .
18 Oh yes , oh yes much as they are now and the big horse we used to call them the big horses you know and er shows and that , all , they used to , Willenhall Wakes used to be fine really good , and er that was down in the Lane somewhere there .
19 ‘ I expect another visit this night , ’ he reported to General Cope , ‘ but I shall give them the warmest reception my weak party can afford . ’
20 All of them would live more happily if they and the world remained in ignorance , and to try to achieve that I would give them the one gift I could .
21 Notice also that Peter and John did not pray that God would give them the Holy Spirit they prayed that they might receive the Holy Spirit .
22 They are scarcely free to shop around for the officer who would give them the easiest time .
23 For Marx this historical work was also political , because he believed that understanding the workers ' condition through the study of history would enable them the better to fight it .
24 But a draw against Midlands on Saturday would hand them the Divisional Championship for the first time .
25 This will make them the first and fifth most visited attractions in the world , with the other three being existing Disney sites .
26 First , the merger of two large firms will give them the immediate monopoly power that derives from a large market share .
27 ‘ These stores will give them the best of both worlds and could prove a major rival to the big store chains . ’
28 The method of advertising used will depend largely on the ‘ advertising or marketing budget ’ , but the product can be advertised using several different types of media and the hotel or hotel group will select the method that will give them the best coverage within their financial means .
29 We guarantee nothing — wild birds are free to go where they wish and , though we can give them the best possible conditions , we can never be certain that they will stand in front of a hide !
30 If the Commonwealth War Commission do n't know how to get hold of the War Graves Commission The Commonwealth War Graves Commission can give us the information we want provided we can give them the christian name of the person and the regiment .
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